the drive home

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Lena's : POV
On the drive home Lena felt closer to Stef then she's ever been before. She was still on the cloud nine, they shared a beautiful weekend together. Lena was more in love with Stef than she thought possible, they held hands
On their way home. Lena couldn't stop smiling, Stef decided to quick stop to the local florist in town to get a dozen of long stem red roses for Lena,
Lena fell asleep on the way to the house. She didn't realize that the car had stopped, Stef hopped out the SUV. And headed into the little flower shop, five minutes later. Stef return to the vehicle and pulled off, Stef got back on the highway.

Stef's: POV
Stef notice Lena was still sleeping
When she got back in the car
She couldn't help but to smile
Stef. Was still living in the moment, last night meant the world to her. The way Lena worshipped her every inch of her
Body. Her clit was sore and sensitive, after sucked on it all night. Stef knew Lena was exhausted from being up all night. Stef felt blessed to have Lena in her life, after all these years. Stef's love for Lena was like no other woman she meant in her life. Sex with Lena was earth shattering, nobody has ever made love. The way Lena did. Lena showed Stef the joys of Lesbian sex,

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