Dinner with mom

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Lena's: POV
I'm on my way to meet my mother for dinner at a local restaurant here in town. When I left Stef was pulling up, we haven't spoken about last night
Neither one of us wanted to discuss the issue at hand, l pulled up in the front of the restaurant
I got out my vehicle and gave the man my keys, so he could take my car and park it somewhere
I head inside this posh restaurant my mother picked out. I see her sitting all the way in the back drinking a glass, she sees me
And greets me with a kiss on the cheek. I sit down at the table
When the waiter comes over, and I order a glass of red wine. My mom asks how were things going with the campaign, l let her know. That l would have to go Sacramento in a month, what about Stef she says. Well mother Stef isn't going with me, Stef got offer a job in Venezuela for a year working with troubled kids
That makes no sense. Dana States
Mom l want don't to stand in her way, she's works so hard for this
She's been so supported of me
Running for state assembly. But l must admit, I've been neglected
Her lately. Because I'm so busy with this election, and all we do is have little petty disagreements
About how l let my campaign manager. Changed me by wearing different clothing, Stef even said I'm not  the person l once was, Lena replies. Honey do you think that This Kathy woman has your best interest at heart. Where this is causing a rift in your marriage, you might have to decide what means more to you, this campaign or your marriage to Stef. That's all I'm saying to me. But don't forget what's important, you and Stef have been through a lot together, don't allow this woman to break up you married you work so hard for, just think about what said Dana says. Over the next hour, Lena and Dana talked enjoyed a lovely meal together. Lena knew everything her, mother said to her was true.
Lena had a lot to think about in terms of this whole election, Lena never wanted her wife to feel like she didn't have a say so
Lena needed to think long and hard, was this campaign worth more than her marriage to Stef
All Lena wanted to was make her voice known. Lena knew there was no use in avoiding the situation at heart. Lena sat in front of the house, in her car

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