The convesation part three

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Lena's: POV
When I get out the shower Stef is sitting on our bed reading the newspaper. I guess I'm going to come out and tell her, that I'm dropping out of the election. I made my choice, my marriage is the most important thing to me right now. Honey can l talk to you, Lena says to Stef. Sure love
Stef puts the paper down. So she can give her wife her undivided attention, l heard everything you said last night. I know that I've been so caught up in this whole campaign. So what I'm saying is that, l don't want to lose you over this election. I decided that our marriage means more to me then this whole election. I'm dropping out causing its affecting our relationship. Lena said. Baby are you sure that's what you want to do. Stef replied. Yes l am sure cause fifteen years ago l made a commitment to you and l am going to follow through. I called Kathy and scheduled a meeting with her to tell her the news.
I never wanted this to take a toll on us and we end up becoming strangers. And I want to go with you to Venezuela if you want me there Lena replied?of course l want you there with beside me
I just want you to know, I never wanted you to feel like second best Lena said. I'm so glad where going to travel the world together for a whole year.

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