having lunch with Captain Roberts

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Stef's: POV
After getting a call from Captain Roberts. Inviting me to lunch
I haven't seen her in a long time
Since I got transfer to another unit. Where meeting at the diner
Around the corner from the station, when I see her come in the restaurant. She still looks the same, after all these years.
She walked over to the table where l was sitting at, Hi Stef you look good as usual. She said
You do as well Stef says, how's Lena doing captain Roberts States. She's good, l heard you're going to Venezuela for a year,
Yeah I am Stef replies. So what else going on in your life Stef replied, I'm retiring soon Stef
I put in my years at the precinct
Captain Roberts. You were always good at your Job l remember meeting you all those years ago Stef replies. Do you still keep in touch with mike, Captain Roberts responds. We haven't spoke in a long time Since he got married Stef responded. I'm training some new rookies that came in a few months back, l remember when you and mike first started. You both were good cops, you guys never complain about the assignments l gave out,
I'm proud of you for hanging in all those years. Captain Stated,

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