Chapter 13: Locked Away

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Hinata's P.O.V

2 Days In..

Two days had already gone by and I was already starting to feel the effect of it..

A hunger like no other racked my being and left me in a state of agony, my breathing quickened.

No one has came by my room since I've been here and that only tells me, everyone else, including my friends knew about what I've done. 

That alone, made me want to cry.

And I did.

Numerous, of times.

My eyes were tired of the many tears that left them, my cheeks left red and blotchy.

I felt unwanted.. My heart completely broken.

A sob ripped through the air and just like that, more tears rushed out of my eyes and down my cheeks, too many things attacking me at once. 

Not only was I facing a strong feeling of emptiness and, loneliness, I was also yearning to see Naruto again.

I wanted to see him so bad, I could scream. This feeling was so powerful… I had a hard time going to sleep, to do, anything.

I knew he was probably worried sick about me.

I lowered my head from where I sat on my bed, two books staring back at me from where they sat on my bed, in front of me.

I only read books to pass the time but I knew… Even this, will soon grow boring.

I wanted.. to see Naruto. I wanted, to feed. I didn't like this, at all.

I whimpered, lying back down in frustration..

Naruto.. I, miss, you… 

Naruto's P.O.V


My eyes snapped open as her name spilled out of my mouth, my body still chained up in the massive, empty room I was previously left in.

Now, it was dark inside which made it even more unbearable.

My blue eyes flickered to red to see better, my arms chained up in the air. I groaned, my body suddenly having an urge for.. 


I haven't felt that feeling in a while.

Only since.. That one night. And that time, I was away from Hinata.

Just, like, now..

My breathing quickened as my hunger grew, my red eyes glaring at the door. 

I really.. gotta get out of here…

Hinata needs me..

And I, really need her.

I nodded and with that, I began to tug on my binds, pulling them inward to hopefully pop them off somehow. But, they seemed to respond to my struggles, my strength pushing them to tighten on me even more which not only frustrated me but.. confused me.

I let out a shocked gasped at that, my red eyes staring down at the chains in worry.

What kind of chains, are these? 

Regular chains were nothing, compared to me, and my strength but these, were completely, different.

They held me down, regardless of how much strength I applied to them.

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