Chapter 29: Sadness Strikes

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⚠(Warning: A Bit of Violence)⚠

Hinata's P.O.V

Hours passed and I woke up in a dark room, my head pounding severely. My wrists were completely sore which caused me to move and rub them, the skin completely burned all the way around. But I then blinked, just looking around a bit..

Where, am I? 

I noticed that I wasn't actually outside anymore but in a room. Also I noticed that I was sitting on a large bed. A bed that was a little unfamiliar.

I squinted my eyes, just looking around some more. But the pounding in my head was too much, I couldn't think straight. 

God.. What happened? 

I was totally confused, my fingers now rubbing the cloth underneath me, trying desperately to remember everything.

But suddenly, it all came back to me, my fingers halting in their movement. Instead, I looked down and paid close attention to the bedsheets more, just taking in the familiar brown blanket. My eyes widened..

These, are Mother's blankets…

They were exclusively hers, since I've always seen her use the same ones, every time.

I remember when I was a little younger, I used to stay in her room with Father. I remembered I used to sit on her lap as she read stories of brave vampires way back then, during this constant war. And every time, I would rub her soft, cozy blanket just like how I was rubbing it now.

I gasped at that, something inside of me breaking. And just like that, I couldn't hold it in anymore. The tears that were desperately wanting to escape my eyes, finally escaped.

They fell straight down my face in very, high speeds and I found myself sobbing in nothing but pure grief, my hands balling at the sheets now.

My heart was completely broken, torn because of the horrible situation I was in. Just sitting here, realization kept dawning on me, further tearing my heart apart..

I have no Mom…

She's dead..

She's gone…

My parents, are both gone…


My sobs grew louder as my thoughts increased, just pouring my heart out. And looking around, Naruto wasn't with me to comfort me.

During these situations, it always seemed like he knew just what to say to keep my worries at bay. But no..

No one was here.  

I'm all alone…

Just wallowing in my own grief and sorrow. 

I hate feeling this way. I hate feeling so trapped and helpless.

When I'm beside Naruto, I no longer feel so weak and scared. He makes me feel safe and protected, like nothing can harm me. But what happened a while back, it all played out a tad bit differently…

Naruto knew, we were outnumbered…

He knew even he, couldn't take down that many vampires at one time. So his plan was to..

Wait and just feign weak and defenseless until they let their guards down. 

He told me, even if we were taken in and separated, to always stick to that plan, for he knew vampire's tactics.

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