Chapter 30: The Hidden Truth

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New characters are introduced!!!

Read to find out who! 😉

Also, Enjoy! 😁💕


In a room, located in the vampire's hall sat two worried vampire men, their eyes frantically looking about.

Both of them were deeply concerned about the situation that was going on right as they sat around.

They weren't sure what to believe anymore.

But their hearts were left empty without, their mates..

One sighed, shaking his spiky jet black hair. "Damn it, Sai. We can't keep being quiet anymore. I refuse. I can't stop thinking about Sakura and her safety." Sasuke, Sakura's mate, argued. For he was worried for his mate's wellbeing. He's been nice and quiet for the most part, just doing as the Queen ordered but new news hit everyone and they all know that…

There is no longer a Queen…

But a different person in power.

But Sasuke was worried about Sakura. He constantly laid awake thinking where she could be or what she could be doing. He knew she ran away to help find Hinata but she hasn't returned..

Is she just gone? 

Is she with, Hinata? 

He didn't know and he was tired of just sitting and just waiting for her to return. Things were growing out of hand, fast. He needs to take things in his own hands soon.

So, he looked up at the other vampire in the room and eyed the blank expression on the male's face, his head tilting at him.

The male then cracked an amused smirk. "Hmm.. I sense a bit of concern in your voice. Do you perhaps think she's, hurt? Oh Sasuke, have more faith in your mate." Sai giggled out which didn't amuse Sasuke one bit. 

Oh no..

It made him even more angry, and frustrated.

He growled at Sai, hating how emotionless the white pale bastard was. His responses were always like this.

Dull, without emotion.

He seemed like one of those older vampires who talk slow and groan all the time.

But, Sakura was friends with his mate which is why he was putting up with his crap.

So, he kept that in mind and decided to calm down a bit, a large amount of air escaping his nostrils as he blew out deeply. "Fine.. But I still won't let this problem go. I'll wait only a day longer. If they aren't back.. I'm going out to investigate. Something's fishy.. And I don't like that, at all…"

Naruto's P.O.V

A groan slipped out of my lips as I opened my eyes from the darkness I was forcefully brought under.

My face still felt sore from the constant abuse it was getting. But for the most part, I was completely healed, not a visible scratch or bruise on me anywhere. But the after effects are the one thing I'm dealing with which is a major pain.

My hands and now, my legs were bound to the floor and wall which caused major discomfort. My body was practically levitating in the air.

I couldn't move, at all.

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