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Authors note: First of all let's discuss. I have now seen Star Wars the Rise of Skywalker twice in theatres which is perhaps all I can handle because I end up crying hysterically through most of it. For years I have loved Star Wars, and the Skywalker Saga is perhaps my favorite. It is my childhood. From the beginning I loved Rey and Kylo Ren. I found them to be the most interesting characters. Rey was everything I wanted to be, and Kylo needed to be saved. I was hooked. Through a 6 year journey I waited, with halloween costumes, fanfictions, figurines, t-shirts, and boundless excitement for what I knew was the greatest love story in the galaxy. Reylo. There I sat on a Thursday night, in the dark theatre sobbing uncontrollably because I was given everything I wanted only to have it ripped away. Ben Solo's death was beautiful, their love is beautiful, and I understand, I do. He was redeemed and he knew the best thing he could do to make things right was to save Rey's life. And I do believe he truly unconditionally loved her, and in those few moments of peace with him holding her and she is revived, and Rey sees him, and sees him as Ben, and knows that he loves her, and she gives him what she could to let him die in peace and happiness. I get it. But it breaks my heart because their characters and love story and storyline were the most complex and well developed with the most potential. The bond Ben Solo and Rey share is unlike anything else and they loved each other so deeply, and the point of Star Wars and especially new Star Wars is to not copy all the olds- don't fall prey to an overdone shakespeare sacrificial death. The point of SW as said by George Lucas was to instill hope, and there's enough death in real life you don't need it in all the movies too. It hurts most because it's over. So you write it to not be over.

If a writer loves you, you never truly die. 

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