The Afternoon

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Taraji's POV

I put on a sports bra a purple shirt and some gray sweatpants. Debbie put on some leggings a sports bra and a black shirt. Carl put on a black long sleeved shirt and some black shorts.

We got our stuff together and put it all in the back of my car after checking out of the hotel.

We got in the car and Debbie drove to a paintball place that felt like it was an hour away. We got out but had to wait cause we got here early and it wasn't opened yet.

There was a bunch a cars in the parking lot waiting for the paintball place to open. I looked at my phone.

"Maybe we should walk up to the door so we aren't last getting in." We got out and so did a few other people.

Sam and Wes

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Sam and Wes

"Have you guys been here before?" I looked up as I heard someone talking. There was two boys. One had blonde hair and blue eyes and the other had brown hair and green eyes.

"No, it looks fun." "How have you not been here?" The one with blue eyes said. "We don't live out this way." "Oh, well it's lots of fun and the guns are easier to use than you think, you all will get the hang of it."

"I assume you guys come here often." His eyes lit up. "Every weekend." "Yeah, we know this place like the back of our hands," the one with the brown hair said pitching in.

"Will you show us the ropes." They looked at each other then back at us. "Maybe." "Hey, I'm okay with a maybe, plus I'm a quick learner."

We waited a little longer and the crowd got bigger until they finally opened the doors. We rushed in getting everything done and set up so we can play.

We started and the first thing I saw was paint flying everywhere. I shot at a few people missing some then ran to hide behind the thing trying not to get hit by paint.

As I was running I recognized one of the guys from outside, it was the one with brown hair, and shot at him. I missed and ran as soon as he noticed me.

Why would you shoot at him, why taraji, why? You know he's a pro at this now your gonna have a pro coming after you in a fun little game of paintball where he takes it serious and is doing fucking somersaults just to hit someone or to dodge a hit. You shouldn't have came in his territory. You done fucked up bad and there is no going back now.

I just kept playing hoping he wasn't coming after me but I knew it was serious now cause I kept trying to get him and I should have just stopped at the first shot.

I shook my head as I ran bent over behind the hay stack. I shot at Carl already seeing that he got shot. He turned around and flipped me off and I laughed walking around the thing and bumping into him.

I shot my gun and felt the paintball hit me I looked down and frowned. "Fuck."
I looked up as I heard the words coming out of his mouth and saw that he had a paintball mark on him too.

My face lit up and I started cheering. "It's a tie motherfucker." He looked shocked at my words. I got up jumping up and down cheering. Debbie ran to me and we cheered together.

I turned around when we were done celebrating and saw he was still on the ground."What are you cheering for it was a tie."

"Why are you still on the ground." "Cause I lost to a girl who hasn't ever played paintball in her whole life. Like it wouldn't be this bad if you've played once or twice but you have never played before and I lost to you."

"Well technically we tied so don't be to upset and I asked you to show me the ropes and you kept it to yourself. I told you I was a quick learner." "Whatever."

"Come on get up, I'll buy you lunch. Go get your friend." I helped him up and went to find Carl. "Come on, we got lunch dates with some sore losers."

"How do you always end up being in the final few?" "I got skills." We laughed. "Whatever." We walked back getting the rest of them and leaving going to a Subway.

"You really are a quick learner," the one with blue eyes said. "What's your name?" The brown haired boy said. "Taraji but you can call me T, this is Carl and this is Debbie," I said pointing to them as I said there name.

"I'm Sam," the blonde haired boy said. "Wes." He nodded as he said it. We talked some more and exchanged numbers. "Thanks for lunch curly. And for the entertainment," Wes said.

I furrowed my brow. "What entertainment?" "You shot at me, most people don't even try and get me when we play, makes it an easy win, but you're different, you shot at me multiple times even after I told you we play a lot, it was... fun." He tilted his head an shrugged his shoulders when saying the last part.

"You're welcome, I guess." We went our separate ways. Going back home after. Carl, Debbie and I hung out at my house for a little till Debbie left. I took my shower and we watched a movie like usual then he left and I stayed up texting Marcus for a little before I went to sleep knowing I had classes tomorrow.

(Authors Note)
What will happen next? Keep reading to find out.
Hope you enjoyed.

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