Horny... Maybe

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Taraji's POV

I woke up with Joey laying on my chest. I moved from under him trying my hardest to wake him up.

I walked out the room and used the bathroom in the hallway then went back in the room to grab my phone, going downstairs.

I made a bowl of cereal and sat in the chair texting Tanner.

M: Hey, what are you doing today.

I waited a few minutes for him to text back but he never did so I just waited scrolling through my contacts and saw Kio's name and looked at it for a minute before tapping on it and typing.

M: hey

I put my phone down and as soon as it came in contact with the table it buzzed.

Kio: hey you tryna link up

M: actually yeah

Kio: wow I thought you had a boyfriend.

M: not like that I want to rant to someone and surprisingly you're the only one I can think of.


M: no I literally just want to talk to someone and get some advice.

Kio: when and where

M: now and somewhere close to you. I wanna get as far away as possible.

Kio: I'll send you the addy in a minute

M: okay see you in a few

I finished my bowl of cereal and went upstairs and started to get ready. I rinsed my face and looked in the mirror after drying it off and Joey came in wrapping his hands around my waist and kissing my neck.

"Did you just take a shower." I smiled as he kept kissing my neck letting my eye lids fall shut. "Yeah." He pulled away and it took me a minute to realize he had stepped back. I opened my eyes and turned around looking at him.

"Why'd you stop?" "I-" I cut him off by smashing my lips onto his. He lifted me up putting me on the counter, spreading my legs and moving in between them. He pulled away and smiled at me.

"What's up with you today?" "What?" "Is it opposite day?" "What do you mean?" "Usually I'm the one that comes on strong." "You don't like it." "I definitely never said that, but what's up?"

"Nothing." I pulled him back in and kissed him again but he didn't kiss me back with the same amount of passion.

He furrowed his brow. "What?" "You sure it's nothing?" "Yeah." "Okay." He came back in kissing me with his hands on either side of me. I grabbed them and put them on my thighs then pulled at his pants. "Baby." "Yes. Daddy."

I bit my lip and looked at him innocently. "You horny or something. You know you can just tell me, right." "Yeah, and I'm not.. I just thought.. maybe you'd want to.. I don't know."

"Don't get me wrong I do I just don't know if right now is a right time to do it especially with what happened yesterday. Unless you really want to." "You wanna talk about it." "Yeah." "I need time, maybe later, I gotta finish getting ready cause I have to go, I wont be long, hopefully."

I got off the counter and pushed him away. "Where?" "Out, I'm meeting up with someone." "With who?" "Does it matter?" "You're mad." "No I'm not."

"Just tell me where you're going." "Why?" "Because I want to know." "No." "Fine be a fucking-" "Bitch." He looked at me. "Say it. Don't let me stop you." He was silent. "Come on. Say it, get it out and storm off, it'll make you feel better won't it. Say it!"

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