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Taraji's POV

I woke up laying next to Joey. I looked at him and smiled. I reached my hand out and caressed his face. I looked at his lips and leaned in kissing him.

I pulled away and was pulled back in. The kiss didn't last long but was very passionate.

He leaned his forehead against mine with his eyes still closed. He played with my hair and I did the same.

I pulled away after a while and looked at him. He finally opened his eyes and kissed me again.

"Morning bj." "Nice try but no we need to get up." I rolled over and he groaned pulling me back in and kissing my neck.  "Come on I'm gonna be here all week we can't just lay in bed all day."

"You're gonna be a real pain if this is how you're gonna act all week." He chuckled. "We both knew this was gonna happen." I rolled my eyes. He grabbed my boob pulling the cover down still kissing my neck.

"You're really doing this." He rolled over on top of me moving his hand south of my body answering me.

"Stop babe." I tried to close my legs and grabbed on to his hand. He kept trying to kiss me. "Babe." He pulled away and looked at me. "Stop." He stayed there for a minute then got off. "Fine." I covered myself with the blanket and he sat against the headboard looking down at the blanket.

We sat there in silence for a few minutes before I reached over to grab his hand and he pulled away. "Hey." I kissed his cheek twice turning his face towards mine to kiss his lips.

He kissed me again and it started to get heated. He had moved over me again and putting his hand close to my entrance. I held it and kissed him. The second I let it go he had moved it right back, spreading my legs opened again.

I held his hand and he pulled away. "What the fuck dude?" "What?" "Why the fuck are you teasing me?!" "Baby." "No!" Got up and slipped on his underwear and shorts grabbing his sweatshirt and walking out the room slamming the door behind him.

I looked at it confused as hell but just got up and went to the bathroom to start a bath.

I got in after putting my hair up and starting my music. I just sat there relaxing listening to the soft beat of the music. I eventually washed up and got out getting ready for my day.

I brushed my hair out and lotioned putting on pajamas

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I brushed my hair out and lotioned putting on pajamas. I opened my window, changed the sheets on my bed, and picked up the clothes on ground going downstairs to out them in the washer staring the laundry.

I went to the kitchen and made a bowl of cereal then going in the living room to eat and watch t.v.

The show went on commercial and I got up once again to go get the clothes out of the dryer and switch them.

It had been almost 3 hours since Joey left and I was trying not to think about it to much cause he probably just needs his space right now.

I walked back to the living room and sat down starting to fold the laundry. When I finished I went upstairs and put my clothes away and made my bed back up.

I went downstairs and sat back down watching the t.v. waiting for Joey to come back. My phone buzzed and I grabbed it immediately.

Reece: can we talk

                                                        M: sure

Reece: when can we meet up

                                                           M: idk but I'll text you when I'm free okay

Reece: okay, it doesn't have to be today but soon

                                                        M: okay

I looked up as I heard the door open. I looked up and saw Joey. We made eye contact and he broke it the second our eyes met each others and he kept walking.

"Hello." I walked after him. I grabbed onto his arm. "What the fuck Joey? You go out for three hours and don't even think to call or text me back." "I just needed some space okay."

I leaned in and spelt him. "Where were you?" "Does it matter." "Where were you?" "I needed some space." "To fuck some other bitch." "I didn't fuck anyone, I went to the fucking bar and drank so I wouldn't go fuck another bitch because I fucking love you but when you're being an annoying bitch that won't get off my ass what else do you think I'm gonna do."

I slapped him.

"Don't you ever disrespect me like that again." I looked at him and saw his jaw clenching and unclenching. I walked around him and he grabbed my wrist.

He pulled me in towards him and kissed me. I pulled away and looked at him. I shoved him back then kissed him again. He kissed my neck, his hands searching my body. He pulled away and I pulled him back in kissing his neck with my hand running through his hair.

He pushed me down and I landed on my knees holding onto the sides of his legs as he pulled down his pants. He put my hair into a make shift ponytail and thrust his hips towards my face. Moved my hands up and down on what I couldn't fit in my mouth.

He groaned, threw his head back, closed his eyes, and parted his lips. I looked up at him and moved my hand up his abs and hummed against him.

"Fuck." He groaned out. I hollowed my mouth around him as his hips bucked signaling that he was close. "Don't stop." I picked up speed and hummed against him. He twitched in my mouth the released. I quickly swallowed and got up off my knees.

He picked me up and put me on the dresser, slamming into me without warning making me gasp.

"Fuck, Joey." I kissed him to muffle my moans. "Harder, baby." He grunted in response and slammed into me harder each time going at the same speed.

Curses and moans fell out of our mouths as we continued around the room. "Daddy." He picked up speed and I let out a loud moan as he continously hit the right spot every single time making me go crazy.

"I'm so close daddy." "Cum for me baby." I let go, my legs shaking, as I chased my high. His thrust became uneven after a while and he let go.

He rolled next to me and we cuddled.

"I'm sorry baby." He said while kissing me. "I love you." "I love you."

(Authors Note)
What will happen next? Keep reading to find out.
Hope you enjoyed.

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