I'm Not Gonna F*ck You

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Taraji's POV

I rolled over and rubbed my eyes I looked up and saw Reece. I yawned and sat up I looked for my phone and when I finally found it I looked at the time.

I had a text message from Kio. I tapped on it and replied.

Kio: hey stranger, you're probably asleep right now but I was wondering if we could hangout or something. Text me back when you see this.

                                             Me: yeah just text me where and when

Kio: okay how about my place around like noon

                                               Me: okay see you then

Kio: see ya

I looked over and layed back down. He groaned and I moved. "What?" "My arm." "Oh, sorry." "Your fine." He wrapped his arm around me and grabbed my butt.

He smirked and I looked at him. "What?" "I missed this so much." "I know you did." "About last night." "What about it?" His eyes finally opened. "I didn't mean to seem rude when I asked you I just don't need my heart to be stomped on anymore so please tell me what this is for real, all bullshit aside."

"I told you what it was last night. I wanted to feel something." "And I get that but what happens when this keeps going and you're kissing other people or sleeping with them. I'm gonna be the one who gets hurt in the end. I know you don't feel the same way but the least you could do is spare me the feelings."

"I told you I wasn't going to do anything more than this but you can't keep giving me mixed signals." "What do you mean?" "Last night after it you asked me if I was gonna leave you in the middle of the night and now you seem unhappy that I stayed." "I'm not." "Okay." His eyes closed again.

"I gotta leave at noon." His eyes opened once again. "Tyler might be back today or not but I just wanted to worn you. But we can still lay here for a few more hours it's only six." "Okay. Where are you going?" "I'm meeting up with a friend, we're just gonna hangout I shouldn't be gone for more than an hour or two." "Okay." His eyes closed again and he pulled me closer.

We layed there for a while but we didn't go back to sleep. We talked for a while. His eyes would open occasionally but fall back closed only to reopen a little while after they closed. We teased each other and laughed and for the minute of silence that was in the room I remembered exactly why I dated him in the first place.

It's because he was always so much fun. He never let his problems get in the way and put up with my bullshit. He cared so much about the littlest things and tended to me without hesitation and don't get me started on the sex. It was always something new and I was never bored.

Once upon a time he was my everything and I just discarded his feelings without even thinking about how that would hurt him. I frowned and met his eyes which were staring at me.

"What's wrong?" "I think I made a mistake and I feel really bad about it." He got what I said. "It's okay." "No, it's not." He grabbed my face pulling me in and kissing me. He pulled away and smiled at me. "It's fine." I nodded. "Okay." I turned over and grabbed my phone. I checked the time and set an alarm even though I knew I wasn't going to sleep.


We finally got up and slipped on the stuff from yesterday. I went to take a shower while Reece went to the kitchen. I grabbed my suit cases and dragged them to the living room and brought them up the stairs one at a time.

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