Going Out

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Taraji's POV

"Then you really don't give me a choice."

"I'll see you in an hour."

Before I could respond he had hung up. I smiled to myself and finished getting dressed. When I was done I brought my stuff downstairs and went to the guest room.

"You wanna tell me what that was about?" "Do I really have to explain it. I mean it's kinda obvious." "Okay you were horny but I'm not talking about that and I know you know exactly what I'm talking about." "It's funny cause I really don't." "Yes you do, Reece." "No, I don't." "Why were you down there." "I didn't want you to catch me."

I looked at him but he didn't look back. I sighed. "Fine, I'll pretend to believe that for now. I'm going out for a little bit, I shouldn't be more than an hour. If Carl comes just tell him I'm out but you can let him in."

I grabbed my phone and went into the livingroom.

Me: part around the corner ill come to you I shouldn't be long.

Kio: sneaking out I see


I closed my phone and put my shoes on walking out the door. I walked past the house hoping Carl didn't see me. I walked down the sidewalk and looked back when I got past his house. I sighed in relief and walked faster. I turned the corner and waited for Kio. I tapped my foot and kept checking my phone. A car finally pulled up and he rolled his window down.

"Finally." "I'm sorry I'm late, I had to wait cause my roommates were bothering me." "I shouldn't get in." "But you're going to." "How do you know that?" "You would have left by now." "I hate you." "I know you do now get in." I walked around the car and got in.

"I have to be back before nine." "You really snuck out." "No, I'm twenty-two years old." "That only shows that you're of age to drink." "I didn't sneak out, I have plans." "You seeing another guy tonight." I smiled. "Not the way you think." "What's that supposed to mean?" "Exactly what I said."

"So, we have like forty-five minutes. What do you want to do?" "What are my options?" "Bar, club, party, or I sneak you in my place." "Why do you have to sneak me in?" "We already talked about this." "I just want to meet them." "Don't make this more than it is. We are just friends we aren't dating or anything." "Just friends, really Kio."

"Okay friends with benefits but that doesn't change anything." "Well, why can't just friends meet other friends?" "Cause. Why do you want to meet them anyways? I haven't met any of your friends." "I don't mind introducing you to them." "Then why did you tell me to park around the corner?"

I was silent. "Exaxtly." "Then drop me off at my house." "Okay." "What does that mean?" "Something." We stopped and I looked up. "A club." "Yep." "Let's go then."

He got out the car and I grabbed my phone and a few dollars and put them in my pocket and put my purse in the back on the floor and he opened my door. I took his hand and got out. We went to the line which surprisingly wasn't long. We got in and he took me to the bar.

I smiled to him. "What?" "Trying to get me drunk first." "You could take it like that." "How many girls have you brought here?" "Enough to get in without having to wait in line but I didn't think that would have impressed you."

"What will impress me?" "I would say you could figure that out if we get out of here but you already had it." "What's something else then?" "I'm friends with the bartender so we get free drinks." "You let me pay when I could have gotten this free." "You insisted." "I really don't like you." "Let's dance."

He grabbed my arm and pulled me towards the crowd of people but I finished my drink before we got away from the table.

I danced on him, swaying my hips to the music. His hand was wrapped around my waist and my arm was wrapped around his neck. I turned around and smiled at him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he pulled me closer as we danced together. He kissed me and I turned back around. I leaned back on him and closed my eyes as he kissed my neck. "Times almost up." "Let's go." I opened my eyes as he pulled me towards the door.

(Author's Note)
What will happen next? Keep reading to find out.

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