Dragging Me Into Your Shit

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Taraji's POV

I helped him up and he winced at the pain. We walked to his room and I set him down on the bed.

I looked at him and this time saw how bad he really looked. "We need to get you to a hospital." He panted. "No... I can't.. I can't get anyone involved.. there's all ready too.. too many people involved.. I.. I don't need.. the authorities involved."

"Calm down. I won't but you need help. I have a friend she can hel-" "No! Don't call anyone!" "Stop, she's gonna help, I trust her she won't say anything." "No!" He winced. "Trust me okay, okay." "Okay." He nodded.

I grabbed my phone and called V, I told her the address and sent Joey a quick text.

I started picking up the house and let V in when she got here and showed her upstairs then came back downstairs to finish cleaning.

After a while she came back downstairs. "You okay?" "Yeah." "What happened?" "I can't really talk about it." "I don't have a good feeling about this, this is dangerous shit and you need to get out of it before you drag yourself into it." "I think it's already to late." "Don't get in it any deeper, your doing so good." "I know." "Shit, T." "Can you look at his grandmas head?" "Where is she?" "In the room on the left around the corner."

She walked off and I went to the next room picking up the glass. I finished and went to the room to check on her. "Hey." She had a bandage on her head. "Are you okay?" "Yeah. Did he hurt you?" "Don't worry about me." "Is Reece okay?" "I haven't checked on him. He looked bad when I saw him. Something has to be broken." "That bastard. I don't know what I did wrong but that just isn't my son." "I'm gonna go check on him okay." She nodded and I left going upstairs to check on him.

I opened the door and he was laying there on his back with his shirt off and his pants undone.

I stood there looking at him. I walked up and his eyes were closed. "Come on, let's get you cleaned."

I helped him up and to the bathroom. I helped him get undressed and into the shower I held him up and started bathing him with the towel.

He got out and I helped dry him off then dress him and walk him back to his room. I sat him down on the bed and looked at him. "What did she say?" He layed there his chest moving up and down. "Broken arm, badly bruised and keep it iced." "That's it." He nodded. "You looked bad." "I was beaten." "Yeah, you wanna tell me what he was talking about."

"No." I scoffed. "Nice Reece, you can drag me into your shit but you can't tell me about it." "It's really nine of your business." "Then why did you make it my business?!" "I don't know!" "That's bullshit and we both now it." "You know exactly why I dragged you into this and you know I didn't mean to hurt you." "Yeah, I do."

It was silent for a while. We just sat there. Him laying on his back his eyes closed towards the ceiling and me sitting there looking down at him.

"Is it true?" He looked at me for a few minutes then closed his eyes again and took a huge breath in then let it out.

"Yeah, but it's not the way you think." "What way is it?" "You know the lawn mowing gig I did." I nodded. "It wasn't just a lawn mowing gig. He had me selling for him and at first I didn't want to but it was a way of making money so it's what I did. I hooked some guys up but a lot of them quit early on and I saw why. I should have but I didn't. I started sleeping with the girls until I met you but I didn't make them pay and he was losing money when I sold it to them for free. I made bad decisions, believe me, I tried to get out but it just didn't work he threatened me when I tried to leave."

"I don't think it's safe for you to be here anymore, they are gonna come back." "He's gonna find me anywhere I go and I don't want to drag you any farther down into this he already is onto you and it's not a good thing." "I can hide you, and I'm not taking no for an answer so just relax. I'm gonna go pick up the other room then I'll come pack your bag and get your grandma okay." "I can't really stop you."

I walked out and went to pick up the room like I said I was going to then came back and started getting all his stuff and putting it in the car. I took him downstairs and sat him on the couch going to his grandma.

(Authors Note)
What will happen next? Keep reading to find out.
Hope you enjoyed.

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