Sleeping Over

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Taraji's POV

I woke up and went to class. I zoned out most of it then went to work and I got to see my nerd group that comes here almost every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday now. I've tried my best not to come in an encounter with his brother but each time I have he doesn't really say anything about it. I think he was way to drunk to remember it. His freind on the other hand kind of avoids me. When I got off work I went home and waited for Debbie to come over.

I sent Reece to his grandmas house since he wanted to go over there so bad. We still haven't talked about our fight or why he has been being an asshole. I'm positive my mom hasn't been home for like a month and a half. I don't even think she is still in fucking Chicago. Joey has been calling me at the most random times and I haven't answered any of them except for the first time he called me. I can't really say I'm worried about him cause I'm really not. I haven't really thought about him since a few weeks after we broke up.

I heard the doorbell ring which brought me out of my trance. I looked over my shoulder as I ringed again and finally went to it. I opened the door an Debbie stepped inside the house. I closed the door behind her.

"Hey." "Hi." She looked at me. "What?" "What are you doing?" "I was cleaning I stopped cause I got hungry." "Oh." "Yeah." "What are you making?" "Pizza rolls." "Cool." "Not really. Are you hungry?" "I'll take some, if that's what you're asking." "Okay."

I walked past her and back into the kitchen. I got the food out of the over and put it on the stove. I grabbed a plate after waiting for it to cool off and put some on it then sat on top of the counter and ate.

"So." "So." "It feels like it's been forever since we hung out." "I know. It's cause it has been forever." "Tell me about it." She laughed a little. "It shouldn't be awkward." "No, it shouldn't be." "Why are we making it awkward?" "I don't know." "It's cause we're dorks." "Yeah." "Kinda." "Just a little bit." "Yeah only a little bit." We laughed and she fixed a plate for her to eat.

"How's life been?" "Stressful." "Tell me about it. I feel like I haven't gotten a break yet." "Same. Franny has been fussy, bills need to get paid, Aaron is Aaron, Carl isn't exactly helping but I mean I appreciate what he does." She lookrd off into the distance and took a bite out of her pizza roll then looked back at me. "How's life been treating you."

"Basically the same just different problems." "Like?" "Like work there definitely isn't a break there. My boss is always on my ass but doesn't even think about the other girls. The office isn't exactly fun but it's a good thing I only go there on Sunday and Wednesday. I'm babysitting now, Don ask me how I got into that but at least it's getting me money right."

"Yeah, that's what matters most cause it's gonna be what pays the bills. You think you could hook me up?" "Probably, it's good pay but most of them live on the North side so you're gonna have to find transportation." "I could do that. You think they would mind if I took Franny?" "I don't know, you'd have to ask them but I don't think it should be a problem." "Okay."

"But yeah. Oh, my mom hasn't come home, I'm not doing so good in a class, Joey keeps calling me at random times and Reece has been acting like a total asshole for no fucking reason but it's whatever. I knew what I was getting myself into when I brought him here." "Wait, can you go back to that one part?" "What part."

"Where you said Joey has been calling you at random times." "Yeah, I haven't answered him cause I really don't want to talk to him at all but it's whatever cause I'm not trying to worry about him when I already have a bunch of other things I'm stressing and working about so." "I definitely think you should answer the next one." I looked at her.

"What?" "Yeah, that's definitely not gonna happen." "Oh, come on. Doesn't even a little part of you want to know what he has to say?" "No and I don't want you to try and convince me to want to know." "You can't just say no right off the bat." "Why not?" "You just can't." "Fine, I'll think about it." She got off the counter.

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