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Taraji's POV

My alarm went off. I rolled out of bed and into the bathroom. I went down to the kitchen and made myself some scrambled eggs. I sat in the living room and ate my breakfast while watching t.v.

When I finished I put my plate in the sink and went upstairs to my room. I brushed my teeth and washed my face then got dressed.

^^outfit above^^

I made grabbed my bag and made sure everything was in it. I looked around for my notebook and found it in the draw downstairs. I got my phone and went next door.

Franny ran towards me smiling. She grabbed onto my legs and reached up at me. I picked her up and hugged her. "Hi." "Hi." I smiled at her and kept walking to the kitchen. "Where's your momma?" "I don't know." "Why not?" "Cause I don't." I put her down and walked up the stairs to her room.

"Hello?" "In here." "Where?" "The bathroom." I walked to the bathroom and saw her applying makeup. "Where are you going?" She turned around and looked at me. "Where do you think I'm going?" She wiggled her eyebrows and smiled at me as she said it.

"I don't even know." "I'm going for coffee." "With Aaron?" "No." "With who?" "One of the other employees." "For what?" "To help." "Help what?" "Money flow." "And how exactly do you expect to do that?" "By flirting with him a little and getting what I want."

"Number one: does Aaron know about this? Number two: how do you think he's gonna feel about you flirting with another guy? And number three: I'm positive that's not how that works." "Aaron doesn't have to know and if anything he should support me and this always works." "What happens when he wants you to sleep with him to get what you want." "Then I'll tell him that I have a boyfriend." "And you're gonna get fired." "Well, lets hope it doesn't go there." "Yeah, lets hope."

I shook my head and smiled. "You left your daughter downstairs by herself." "No she's in the room." "No, she's downstairs by herself." We heard a thud and looked at each other then ran downstairs.

She was on the ground in front of yhe fridge. Debbie picked her up. "What are you doing?" "I wanna go-gurt it's to high." "Jesus christ." She sighed and hugged her. "Are you okay?" "Yeah, my head hurts." "Okay." She rubbed it. "Can I have a go-gurt now?" "Yeah." She got up and got her a go-gurt and we all went back upstairs to the bathroom.

We were talking about her and Aaron and her plan to make money when I heard a voice from behind me. I turned around.

"Can you guys get out of the bathroom?" "No." She looked back at me. "I gotta piss." "Go use the one downstairs and watch your language." "She doesn't understand me and I'm already here just get out it's not like you guys are doing anything." "No, Carl!" "Why not?" I stopped her before she could yell back. "Come on let's just go, I have to get going anyways." "Fine." She grabbed Franny and we walked back downstairs.

I hugged Franny then left. I drove to the campus and went to class. I spoyted Tanner and sat down next to him.

"Hey." "Hey." "I didn't know you took this class." "I just transferred." "Oh." "Yeah." I got my stuff out. "Why?" "I don't know." I smiled at him then tried to pay attention. I got bored cause we were just going over material we already went over. I drew a tik-tac-toe on my paper then nudged him.

"I can't." He whispered. I whispered back. "Come on." "I can't." "Come on, I'll give you the notes later and we can go over everything you need to know during lunch this weekend. He sighed. "Fine." I made and x in the right hand corner then he put and o in the middle.

That one ended in a tie then I one twice and he finally one after four. We kept playing till class was over. We packed our stuff up and walked towards the door. "Tanner," The professor said. I looked at him. "Have fun dealing with that." "I'll try." He walked off and so did I.

I got to my car and went back to my house. I got my uniform and went into work.

After my last class

I went back to my house and took a shower. I brushed my hair out and put on my clothes. I rolled my pants legs up, fixed my jacket, and unbuttoned the first two buttons on the shirt then sprayed on perfume and grabbed my purse then went downstairs.

I walked next door and Carl answered the door

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I walked next door and Carl answered the door. He looked me up and down with a smile on his face the whole time. "Hello to you too." "Yeah." He was looking at my boobs. "You like it." His smile grew. "Is that even a question?" "I don't like you." "That's okay, you can still get it." I pushed past him but he stepped in my way. "Can I come in?" "Why are you so dressed up?" "Cause, why not?" I twirled.

He pulled me closer to him. "Can I have a kiss?" His voice got low. "No." "Why not?" "Why?" "Cause I want one." "No." "Come on, how am I supposed to resist  all this?" "It's not my problem." "You look sexy." "Thank you." "Give me a kiss." "How many beers have you drank?" "A few." "What's a few?" I smiled at him. "Just a few don't worry." "I'm not." "Can I have a kiss now?" I kissed his cheek.

"That's not what I meant." "I don't know what you want me to tell you." "Come on just one kiss." His tone softened. I looked at him. "Go drink some water." "Why?" "So you can be refreshed." "I'm not thirsty." "Yeah, thats cause you drank all those beers." I laughed and he smiled.

"Come on let go I only have so much time." Where are you going?" "I have work." "Just on kiss. Please." "No." "Fine." He let me go and I went to find Debbie.

I knocked on her door and she opened it. "Do you have the money?" "Yeah." She got off the bed and pulled open her drawer then gave it to me and sat back down.

"Why aren't you supervising your brother?" "What do you mean?" "He's had like six beers." "And that's my problem how?" "Can you tell me why he was all over me?" "Look at what you're wearing." "This is my work clothes." "Well, you make them look hot." "Thanks I guess."

I looked around the room. "Where's Franny?" "Her grandma's." "Why aren't you out with Aaron or something?" "He's coming but he had work." "Oh." "Yeah." "Well, let me get going before I'm late." "See you later." "Bye."

I walked out of the room and back downstairs. I got the rest of the beer out of the fridge and hid it then walked back through the living room. I stopped behind him and pulled his head back then bent down and kissed him twice. The first was long and the second was just a peck. He looked up at me and I wiped the lipstick off of his face.

"Happy now?" "Very." I rolled my eyes and pushed his head. "Stop drinking." "Yeah, whatever." I walked out and got in my car then went to the office.

(Author's Note)
What will happen next? Keep reading to find out.
Hope you enjoyed.

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