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Taraji's POV

"You have to go through the side door." He kissed me. "Why?" "I don't want anyone to see you." "Why not?" He kissed my neck. "Joey it's almost four in the morning." "Then let me stay till six." "No." "Come on we're a couple now, it's official so who cares." "I do." He layed me back down and pulled at my shirt then put his hand up my shirt.

"Come on just a little longer. You graduated lets have fun." He put his hand down my underwear and I gasped. "My grandma is here." "So you're gonna have to be quiet." He smiled. "No Joey you have to-" He added  another finger and I moaned. "I have to what?" "Go."

"You want me to leave?" I grabbed onto his arm as he went faster. "Do you?" I nodded as my eyes screwed shut. "Use your words." "Don't stop." "Are you sure?" He pulled his fingers away and I held his hand in place. "Yes." "I'll go if you want me to it is getting late." "Joey." He started again. It wasn't long before I released onto his fingers.

He kissed me then spread my legs open and pulled down his pants. "Joey." "Shhh." He kissed me again. "Did you drink before you came here?" "I had one and not even a half of another." "You need to go now." "Come on let's just do it right quick then I'll go." "No my grandma is gonna be up soon." "Then let's make it quick."

He pushed into me and kept going at a fast speed. "Joey." I grabbed onto the sheets as he slammed in and out of me. I tried so hard to keep my moans in but some came out.

"I'm gonna cum again." I grabbed onto his arms and my hips lifted up off the bed as I released. "Oh my fucking God." I dropped back down and he kept going until he finally finished.

He layed next to me then kissed me. "You have to go now." "Let me take you out to lunch tomorrow." "Fine but you need to go." He got up and started getting dressed. "I see how it is. Once I'm done satisfying you then I have to leave." "No, I just don't want to get caught." "I know." He kissed me then walked out of the room.

I layed there looking at the ceiling. I got up and put on my clothes then layed back down and tried to get some sleep.


"How are you still sleeping?" I opened my eyes and saw my grandma. "Come on get up. You got a party to get ready for and this house ain't gonna clean itself." I rolled over. "If you don't get yo black ass out this bed." "I'm going." "I don't know who you think you're talking to I don't give a damn how old you are you will respect me." "I love you but sometimes you get on my nerves."

"What do you think you do to me? I'm just trying to help you in the long run but I can leave now." "I know." She walked towarss the door. "Get up." "Okay." I rolled my eyes and grabbed my phone. It was almost noon.

Joey had sent me the place we were going and told me to meet him there at noon. My eyes widened and I got out of bed and went to the bathroom. I rushed to get ready. I came out of the bathroom and quickly dried off and started lotioning.

^^outfit above^^

I grabbed the dress and put on my white slip on shoes I sprayed on perfume and grabbed my purse and phone. I brushed me wet hair and put in the products then ran downstairs and to my car. I got in and sped off to the restaurant.

I opened the door and stepped in then looked for Joey. I saw him sitting at a table on the far end of the room by the window.

"Hey." "Hey." He got up and hugged me. "For a minute I started to think you were gonna bail on me." "No, I just woke up late." "I thought so." "Have you ordered yet?" "Just the drinks. I got you orange juice it was that or coffee and I just played it safe." "Oh okay."

We got our drinks and ordered then I looked at him. "Last night was fun." "For you maybe." "You didn't like it?" "I did but you should have left the first time I told you too." "Yeah but then I wouldn't have been able to please you." "Don't say it in public." He smiled at me.

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