Laser Tag

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Taraji's POV

We stopped walking then she pushed us in. There was a lot of people and it was really loud. I could feel my blind flod coming off and put my hands up to catch it when it fell. My eyes were squinted because of the light.

I put my glasses on and everything became clearer. I lost sight of Debbie and looked at Carl.

I fixed my hair knowing it had to be sticking up then put my hat back on. "Where did she go?" He shrugged.

I reached over and fixed the piece of hair that was sticking up. "You're welcome." "Thanks." I looked around and realized where we were. "Laser tag." He nodded. "I guess so." I looked around trying to spot Debbie.

I didn't find her so I just waited talking to Carl to pass time. "I want you on my team." "Why?" "Cause you know how to work a gun." I said it with a smile on my face. "I shouldn't be to proud of that, especially since I don't think your saying it in a positive way."

"Why don't you think I'm saying it in a positive way?" I giggled when I said it. "I think you just answered your own question." "I'm sorry." "It's fine."

Debbie came walking towards us. "Where did you go?" "To make sure everything was still set." There's gonna be a few extra people that go in with us cause they wanted to equal it out but I don't mind. But now we just wait for everyone to get here and for the group before us gets done and these things can last up to an hour so.."

"Who all is coming?" "Abby, Seph, Aaron, Tom, and Daniel." "You flew all of them in just to come play laser tag." "Yeah, they didn't have classes so it works out just fine, but this did take a lot of planning."

"You should have told us we could have helped with the money you must have spent a lot." "Not really they all paid more for there ticket than I did cause I had to get three people out here."

"You are amazing." "I know." We waited and eventually they all showed up and we got ready to go in cause the other group was almost done.

We got our vests on and they gave us instructions then we went in. 

It was dark and there were post and fog everywhere. We started and I walked around trying not to get hit. I got four people and ran to hide behind a post bumping into someone.

I turned around and pointed my gun at them

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I turned around and pointed my gun at them. I looked at the vest and saw it was the same as mine. I put my gun down and they put there finger up to  there lips signaling me to be quiet.

I nodded and he pointed to the other side of the room. "Stay back against this so they can't get you." As he spoke I saw his bright green braces. I nodded and we moved down the post with our backs against it till we got around the the other side and split up.

I was wondering how many people were left but I just kept going. I saw a red light and shot at it.

The lights went on after I shot the person and the game was over. People started cheering and coming to crowd me and I realized that I had just won the game for my team.

We left out of there taking off our vest and putting the guns back. The other team was sour cause they didn't win but I didn't care I was happy and kind of shocked that I made it to the end of the game.

I looked at my phone and saw that we had been in there for an hour and some.

I saw the boy that I bumped into. He walked up to me.

"Good job on making the shot." "Thanks." "Do you play often?" "No, this was my second time playing." "You're a quick learner." "You could say that, I guess."

"You guess. You where great for a beginner." "Do you play often?" "Yeah, I work here. Sometimes I like to join in on people's games." "Cool."

There was a silence and I looked over my shoulder seeing if my group of friends was still over there.

He cleared his throat and I looked back over to him. "What's your name?" "Taraji." He extended his arm. "I'm Marcus." I shook it and gave him a big smile. "You have a pretty smile." "Thank you." "No problem."

"I gotta go I'm sorry." "Can I get your number or something?" "Do you have a pen or something for me to write with?" He patted his self but didn't have one. "Do you have your phone no it's in the back?"

I reached for my back pocket hoping my phone would magically appear there but it didn't. I checked my Jacket pockets and there was a pen in there.

I reached for his hand and wrote my number on his palm. "I'll text you later." I looked at him. "Okay." I looked behind me again and saw Debbie waving me over. I looked back at him apologetically.

"I have to go now sorry." "It's fine." "Bye." "Bye, I'll talk to you later." I turned around walking towards them and looked back at him to see he was still watching me. I looked back immediately with a huge smile on my face.

I got to them and we all piled out and went out to a restaurant for dinner. We ordered and talked then at the end of the night went our separate ways.

Me, Debbie, and Carl got in the car and she started driving. "You can tell your mom you aren't coming home." "Okay. Hey thanks for this. I had fun, really."

I texted my mom telling her that I wasn't coming home and we talked till we got to the hotel which was at 9:17 p.m.

We got to our room and bags were already there for us. I looked at Debbie.
"What?" "You knew all along that we were staying here didn't you." "Maybe."

I hit her with the pillow and she laughed. I went to the bathroom and changed into my pajamas coming back to the room that I was sharing with Debbie.

(Authors Note)
What will happen next? Keep reading to find out.
Hope you enjoyed.

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