Last Day

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Taraji's POV

I woke up to my alarm going off. I groaned and turned over stopping it. Joey's arm fell off of me and I put it back on my waist and he pulled me in.

He kissed my shoulder all the way up to my neck. I giggled at this action. I kissed him back and he rolled over on top of me.

He kissed me and moved his hand between my legs rubbing me. I gasped and he smiled against my neck. I moved my hand to his hair and the other to his shoulder. He kept rubbing my clit with his finger making me let out low and soft moans.

He pushed a finger inside of me thrusting it in and out making me gasp then moan. He picked up speed and added another finger.

I moaned and it was louder than I expected. My eyes screwed shut as he kept going. He kissed me in attempt to muffle my moans. My legs were shaking uncontrollably and my moans had filled the room. "Shh, baby. He's gonna hear you." He kissed me again and continued to rub his thumb harshly in circular motions on my clit.

The same familiar knot front last night formed in my stomach and I released clenching my walls around his fingers. He kept rubbing my clit and I quivered at his touch each time until he stopped.

He waited till I was paying attention to him and looked me dead in the eyes before licking his fingers clean. He kissed me making me taste my juices.

I bit his lip before we pulled apart and he smiled at me when he was catching his breath. "What?" He smiled harder. "What?" "How about we get rid of your person downstairs for a few hours so we can have some real fun." "I would love to do that but where are we going to take him he's hurt and in danger."

His smile faded down to a smirk. He swayed his head. "I know, but it was worth a shot right." "Yeah." I kissed him then pushed him off of me and grabbed his shirt putting it on along with some shorts and threw him his boxers.

I put my hair up and we walked downstairs. We got in the kitchen and I looked around for something I could make for breakfast.

Joey was sitting down at the table and I was standing there thinking. I walked out of the kitchen and peeked my head in the room. He was laying on his stomach with his arm out on the other side of him and his other arm hanging off the bed.

I smirked at him and walked off back into the kitchen. I got the stuff out and started making breakfast. Joey messed with me the whole time I was making it but luckily I didn't burn anything while I was cooking.

I fixed a plate for the three of us and set his down in front of him and mine across from him then gave him a kiss and he smacked my ass then squeezed it making me gasp.

I hit him when we pulled away and walked to the guest bedroom where Reece was sleeping in. I knocked on the door even though he was still sleeping.

My knocking action didn't do anything cause he didn't move at all, just kept sleeping. I walked it over to him and put it on the nightstand. I looked down at him and smiled remembering just how cute and precious he looked and was when he was sleeping.

I loved it when he slept. Not like I would watch him or anything but when I caught him sleeping I would always glance for longer than expected. When he was sleeping he wasn't so guarded and didn't have such a tough, older, dangerous look to him he looked his age, soft, not dangerous look to him.

I stepped back realizing how close I was to him and shook him lightly saying his name. "Reece... Reece wake up... I made breakfast."

He woke up and rubbed his eyes then yawned and stretched. I helped him turn around without hurting his arm and gave him the plate of food then went back to the kitchen to eat with Joey.

I walked in and he looked up at me. "How is he?" "He's gonna live." He shook his head then pulled me into his lap.

(Authors Note
What will happen next? Keep reading to find out.
Hope you enjoyed.

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