Business Trip

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Taraji's POV

I sat down at my desk and waited for the computer to start up. Danielle came up to me. "Hey." "We have a meeting." "Oh, okay." I got up and we walked together to the room.

I sat down and we waited for a few more people to show up then he cleared his throat.

"Can I have everyone's attention? As you guys know we have been fishing for the big company, well we have finally got a bite. A few members of the team will be leaving for the trip to go examine or something like that. I haven't got all the details yet but I know you will get your directions when you get there. You'll be staying for three nights and four days so pack accordingly and to dress code."

"Who is all going?" "Three of our paper workers, John, Sasha, and Max that's it. Be here Friday morning there will be transportation to the airport and everything will be set when you land in California." "Who are the paper workers?" "Tommy, Bruno, and Taraji." My eyes widened. "Why me?" "Excuse me?" "Why me? I only work two days put of the whole week." "You're one of my best workers." "With all do respect sir I-" "No more of this nonsense, everyone that has been picked is going and that's final. This meeting is dismissed."

They all left and I just got up and went back to my desk annoyed.

After work

I parked my car in the garage and went next door. "Debbie!" Carl looked at me and smiled. "Don't even think about it." "Too late." I ran up the stairs and opened her door. They looked my way. His hand came out of her shirt and he tried to cover his boner.

"Get out!" I closed the door smiled to myself. I shook my head and went downstairs. I grabbed a beer from the place I hid them earlier and went to the living room. I sat down and took my heels and jacket off. I took a sip of the nasty beer and he looked at me. I looked back at him.

"What?" "Since when do you drink beer." "Since I've been stressed the fuck out." He looked back at the t.v. I took another sip then put it down.

"Don't you wish I was the kinda girlfriend that liked what you like?" He smiled. "You're not my girlfriend." "True." "I mean, we can change that." He put his hand on my leg. "No thanks." I took another sip of my beer then put my leg on his leg. He adjusted it then rubbed it.

I looked at him. "You wanna hear about my problems since Debbie's to busy to talk?" "Not really." "I'm gonna tell you anyways." "I don't wanna hear it." I looked at him. "So, my boss is making me go out of town for three days and I don't even know what I'm gonna do about school and of course he doesn't want to hear it and since he's the boss he gets the last word but I don't even know any more to be honest."

I grabbed his face. "Carl. Carl, what am I gonna do? I seriously don't even know anymore." "What don't you know?" "Everything." "Are you already drunk?" "Maybe." He laughed. "I'm serious Carl." I hit him.

"I thought college was gonna be okay but it's been hell, I my mom doesn't even talk to me anymore, I tried to fix everything with Tyler and his family and that didn't do anything, I took Reece in cause I wanted to help but he treats me like crap, I let Kio go, I thought breaking up with Joey was the best decision but when I went to see him I had this feeling, and I wanna... I wanna...... Nevermind."

"Just calm down okay. It's gonna be okay. You're gonna go on your business trip and do great, you're gonna come home and take your finals so you can graduate, you're gonna go live your life and figure out what you want as you go. That's all you can do." "You're right." He kept rubbing my leg as I looked at him. He smiled at me then turned back towards the t.v. I pulled his face back towards me and hugged him. I pulled away and kissed him. I got on his lap and kissed him again. He looked at me.

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