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(The big picture is Debbie's outfit, the one in the bottom left, and above that is Franny's outfit.)

Taraji's POV


I sat back down on the couch. "Are you ready to go?" "Yeah just let me get Franny." She was sleeping which made everything harder than it had to be but we got her to the car after a few minutes of her whining about it.

At the restaurant

I looked at all of us and smiled. "What?" "Look at all of us matching or whatever." We laughed. "I know." She looked at Franny. "You like it when we match, huh?" She smiled. "Yeah." "She's so big." "Tell me about it. She just needs to stop growing." "I rebuke you from growing up okay." She smiled at me.

"How was your trip to California?" "Stressful." I sighed. "I thought you went there to get away from the stress." "I did." "So then what happened?" "I'm a bad person." "What do you mean?"

"When I got off the plane thats when things went downhill. Bryce and Josh picked me up so you can only imagine how that went. When we got to the house I guess things got better or at least Bryce stopped taking to me but I talked to Kio about what Bryce had said."

"What did Bryce say?" "That I was using Kio." "Aren't you?" "That's why I talked to him about it and he said we were both using each other." "So it basically turned into what you didn't want it to be." "Yeah." "How do you feel about that?" "Not good." I took a sip of my drink.

"Anyways we talked about it and it was fine then we went to dinner and when we came back me and Bryce were at it again. He called me a bitch and of course I went off cause that's disrespectful and none of them said anything about it."

"That is wrong it doesn't matter how mad you are you should never call a female a bitch." "I know but Kio took me to his room to calm down and I went on a whole rant about how I was done putting up with all this bullshit but eventually I did calm down. "Did you cry." "Yeah." "I thought so." I rolled my eyes.

"After I was clam I went to talk to Bryce about it and he apologized and now we're cool. I mean of course I'm not gonna be over it like that but I did want to put aside our differences cause it's ridiculous how much we fight." "It really is." "Tell me about it." "Don't make me."

"Aftsr that we all kinda just chilled and I fell asleep on Anthony and Josh I mean Jaden. I woke up that morning cause I was uncomfortable and Jaden had a boner." Her eyes widened. "Yeah but I just got up and went to Kio's room and woke him up. Eveything was fine until the morning I left." "What happened?"

"He teased me and then what was supposed to be innocent turned into a whole new thing and we went out partying like I told you and some guy tried to get me to come home with him and Bryce almost fought him but I stopped it and we went back to the bar. At this point I was trying so hard to get back at Kio and it didn't help that I was drunk." "That never helps, you're not a good drunk." "You aren't either." "I'm a better on than you."

"Whatever. Anyways, me and Jaden were dancing together oh wait I forgot to tell you about the wet dream." "What?" "Yeah after we went to lunch I took a nap on Anthony and I had a wet dream." "About him?" "I can't remember what he looked like I only remember what he was wearing." "Bet you took of." She smiled at me. "Shut the fuck up." "You know it."

"We were dancing and Kio got jealous and pulled me away so we could talkbut he was just telling me what to do and I didn't want to hear it. He called me a slut and I was being immature and told him I'll show him one or something like that and I kissed Jaden. I was gonna kiss Anthony too but I didn't. We went back to the house and they went to their rooms and me and Jaden had some fun on the couch but he was bugging out the whole time so we went to his room and thats when the alcohol really started to hit me. I don't really remember it but I know I threw up and I guess we fell asleeo after."

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