Do I Regret It

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Taraji's POV



He opened the door for me and locked it behind himself. "It's been a fat minute  since I've been in here." "Yeah, I don't really wanna remember that." "Me either." It got quiet. "It's emptier." "Well, schools almost over." "Yeah, I guess."

I turned towards him.


"You always looked so sexy in a suit." "Thanks." I walked towards him. "So, what was tonight?" "Us catching up." "What's supposed to happen now?" "Well, it depends on what you want to happen." "What do you want to happen?"

I wrapped my arms around him. "What do you want to happen?" "I think you know." "Do I?" "Yes." I kissed him then pulled away. He looked at me then kissed me. I pulled away to catch my breath and he pressed our lips back together. I kicked my shoes off and started pulling his jacket off.

I started undoing his belt then his pants while we kissed. They finally came undone and I got on my knees. I looked up at him and took all of him in my mouth. I bobbed my head up and down his shaft until he was close.

He pulled my pants off and walked me to the bed. We stripped out of the rest of our clothes then he got a condom and put it on then spread my legs and thrust into me.

I gasped and he kept going. "Faster." He picked up speed and I moaned. He took it out and turned me around then pounded into me from behind.

"You like that? Huh?" "Yes." He went harder and I moaned. "Yes what?" He pulled my hair. "Yes, daddy!" He slapped my ass and I moaned. He let go of my hair and I arched my back. I could feel it. He pulled out and my eyes opened. He turned me back around and thrust into me. I moaned.

"Harder. Baby go harder." He grunted in response and went harder. "I'm close." He went faster and my eyes screwed shut and I shook. "Oh my fucking god."

I layed there breathing heavily. He kept thrusting until he finally finished. He threw the condom away and layed back down next to me. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and his were around my waist. I planted kisses on his chest and shoulder.

"I missed this." "Of course you would." "I mean cuddling with you and holding you." "I don't want to talk about it." "Okay." I looked up and kissed him then looked back down and continued to kiss his body. I went under the covers and put his member in my mouth. I could hear the grunt coming from him then they stopped.

I looked over the covers and saw he was on his phone. "Really?!" "I'm sorry." "Whatever." I rolled my eyes and turned to face the wall. He sighed then I felt moving. His hand touched my arm and I shook it off.

"Please don't be mad." "What do you expect me to be?" "Not mad." "Well." "I'm sorry." "Okay." "Okay I can touch you now or okay you're done with the conversation." "Which one do you think?" I pulled the covers up and continued to lay there till I went to sleep.

Monday morning.

I heard my timer going off. I looked for my phone and turned it off. I yawned while stretching then sat up. I looked at Joey and he looked up at me.

"Good morning." "Good morning." I got up and got dressed then sat back down on the bed.

"Let me take you to breakfast." "I need to get back to the hotel." I grabbed my phone and looked at the time. "They probably are wondering where I'm at. In a few minutes we'll go out for breakfast and leave for our flight at one so we can get lunch."

"Let me just take you. I'm positive you already have all your stuff packed." "You're not wrong but I have to take a shower and change my clothes and get the rest of my stuff together." "Please." "I can't."

"I don't wanna hear it. I'm taking you out and I'll have you back at the hotel so you can go to lunch and get all your stuff together." "No, Joey I-" "No, we're going and that's it." "Nobody likes you." "Everybody likes me." "Yeah whatever."

"Did you just roll your eyes at me?" "What if I did?" "You better hope you didn't?" "What are you gonna do about it?" He put his hands on each side of me. "You wanna find out?" "Maybe."

He leaned in and my phone rang. I grabbed it and saw it was Bruno. I scoffed and answered.


                                        "Where are you?"

"Not at the hotel."

                                               "Why are you being snappy?"

"I'm not."

                                        "Where are you?"

"I'll be back for lunch thats all you need to worry about."

                                                  "Why won-"

"Bye, Bruno."

I hung up the phone and looked back at him. "Who was that?" "My annoying coworker." "He seems nice." "Yeah, too nice." "Come on let's go get breakfast."

I grabbed my stuff and he opened the door for me. I looked up at him and he kissed me. We walked to the car hand in hand and continued to hold hands until we got seated at the place.

"So." I looked at him. "So." "What was last night?" "Which part?" "The first part." "Us catching up." "I think it was more than that." "I don't know about all that." "Come on. I'm being serious." He grabbed my hand. 

"Why you gotta go and ruin the whole mood and get serious." "I like you." "Joey." "Can you just give me another chance?" "Can we talk about this in the car or something?" "Fine." He paid and we went to the car and he drove.

"Are you gonna talk about it?" "Joey, I understand that you want another chance but I gave you that already and even if we did date again I would have to start from the beginning as freinds cause over the years we've grown apart even when we were together." "So let's try and start something." "We live in two different places."

"We can figure it out." "Joey, I need to think about this. We've only been broken up for a few months." "Okay, we both are about to graduate college it's gonna be summer and we can take that time to get closer." "I just need to think about all of this and just because we had sex last night doesn't mean we're gonna jump into a relationship cause I still don't even know if I regret it or not."

His face drooped. "You regret it." "I never said that." "A part of you does though." "I'm not gonna lie to you." "Okay." "Just let me think about it." "Okay."

We pulled up to the hotel and I gave him a hug then got out and went up to my room. I took a shower and got my stuff together then waited for lunch so we could go then leave.

^^outfit above^^

We finally landed and got a car back to the office and dropped all of our stuff off. We had a meeting and went over all our stuff then I went home and changed into my uniform and went to work at the diner.

When I got off work I made dinner and ate then cleaned up the kitchen and put the leftovers away then went to take another shower and went to bed with sore feet.

(Author's Note)
What will happen next? Keep reading to find out.
Hope you enjoyed.

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