Tanner #2

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Taraji's POV

M: Come on just cum.

                                                Bf: it's come and no

M: it's called fast typing and why not

                                                   Bf: cause I dont want to

M: why not

                                             Bf: just cause

M: ima need a better excuse than that

                                    Bf: I'm not coming

M: it will literally take you to use like less than 20 steps

                                         Bf: not if I walk around my whole house then around it

M: 1. I dont think your gonna do all that 2. That's extra work 3. You know you wanna come like who wouldn't wanna hangout with me

                                       Bf: 1. Dont doubt me 2. Idc 3. I dont want to come and me

M: FUCK you

                                         Bf: you already did


                                                            Bf: no

I closed my phone and got up slipping on my slides. I marched downstairs and opened the door. I continued to march over to the Gallagher house. I didn't waste time knocking knowing it was already unlocked. I quietly tiptoed up the stairs to Carl's room. I pushed the door open and say an empty bed.

I looked around. "Carl." I felt hands go around my waist and over my neck. The body was close. "What are you doing here?" I heard his husky voice and a chill went up my spine. "You know what happend the last time we were in here. No ones home, I could easily just bend you over this dresser."

"You wouldn't." "Don't test me." "You're drunk." "When you're home alone what else is there to do?" "Go for a run maybe come hangout with me before you got drunk." "Why do you think I didn't want to come over?" "You were being an asshole." "I can show you an asshole." "You could all you have to do is let me look at you." "Fuck you." "I know you want to." "Yeah, and your testing me." "You think I should tempt you then."

I pushed back against him then moved back quickly. "Let me go already Gallagher, before something actually happens." "Maybe I want something to happen." He pulled my shirt so more of my shoulder was exposed and I felt the warmth of his breath before I felt him plant a kiss on my shoulder and another on my neck.

I closed my eyes and pushed against him again letting a moan slip out of my mouth as he sucked on my sweet spot. His hand was up my shirt tracing a line back and forth above the hem of my pants and his other hand was just above my boobs. I pulled away and turned around looking at him.

"What the fuck Carl?" "Sorry." I rushed to the bathroom to see if he left a mark. I rubbed at my neck. I turned around and saw that he was behind me.

"Don't start nothing you can't finish." He let me go and I looked in his green eyes. He had a sly smile spread across his face. "You get on my nerves." "Go." "What?" "Get outta here, I'm not hanging out with you, not like this at least." "How do you even get drunk at 10 in the morning?" "Easy, now go home I'll call you later." "You sure you're fine like this." "Yeah, now go before I change my mind."

I walked back home and saw that the door was still open. I must not have closed it. I walked in and closed and locked the door behind me. I was so bored and everyone that I knew was busy.

I got upstairs to my room and slammed the door closed, flopped down on my bed and grabbed my phone. I watched a few youtube videos then just laid there till I felt like I was gonna go to sleep but then got an idea.

I grabbed my phone and texted Tanner.

M: hey

I closed it after he didn't respond for a while. I was half asleep and I heard my phone buzz.

T: hey stranger, what's up??

M: wyd

T: nothing, hbu

M: same I'm bored I was about to take a nap

T: oh, sorry if I woke you up, text me back when you wake up

M: no you're fine I'm not actually tired I just didn't have anything else to do

T: you wanna hangout

M: sure, but I can only hang out for a few hours

T: what you still got a curfew, Wilson

M: HELL NO, but I'm supposed to be going somewhere later

T: still with the mysteriousness

M: I guess

T: you want me to bring a pizza

M: yeah for old time sake

T: I'll see you in like half an hour

M: see you then if I don't take a quick power nap

I closed my phone and pulled the covers over me still holding my phone I got comfy and closed my eyes dozing off.


I heard the doorbell going off. I jumped up and rubbed my eyes I got up going downstairs to open the door.

I rubbed my eyes again and looked to see who it was. I saw Tanner standing there with a pizza box. "Were you sleeping?" I nodded walking away from the door stretching and yawning.

He walked past me going into the kitchen to set the pizza down. He gave me a hug. I tried to fix my hair knowing it must have been going every which way.

I opened the box to see what it was smiled at him after closing it. I jumped up and down cheering punching the air with my fists. "Thank you so much." "No problem." He looked at me laughing.

I grabbed two plates. "Are you wearing pants?" "I looked down to see my bare legs under my shirt. I swear I was wearing pants.

"I'll be right back." I ran upstairs to my room and quickly searched for my pants. I slipped them on going back downstairs. I fixed myself a plate seeing that he moved the stuff to the livingroom.

(Authors Note)
What will happen next? Keep reading to find out.
Hope you enjoyed.

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