Are You Cheating on Me

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Taraji's POV

I woke up in the middle of the night. I rolled over and saw Joey wasn't laying in the bed. I stretched and grabbed my phone, looking at the time. 2:02 a.m. Where the fuck does he have to go at two in the fucking morning.

I put my phone down and rolled back over. I layed there for a while just staring at the wall. The door opened and I heard him talking. I stayed there and just listened to their conversation.

"Oh, yeah.... Okay, then... Yeah... I definitely enjoyed that... It was great. Thanks for the stress reliever." The bed went in. "It doesn't help that my girlfriend was being a total bi-jerk about the whole situation, like it's just sex I don't get why she has to make a whole huge deal out of it.... Sorry... I love her though." His hand went on my hip.

"I love her so fucking much and it's the little things like that, that make me love her even more. That's why this has to stop... I know but I can't keep doing this to her and she's gonna find out eventually why do you think she popped up today and Manny almost gave me away but thank god he was just talking about Olivia and Bri...... I know you think you're all I need but I just love her too much.... Because its just not like that with us, we're just fuck buddies and we're sneaking around.... I can't let her find out... No. I'm telling you we wouldn't be good together all we have is good sex."

I heard her voice on the other end. "You know she's right... you are an asshole sometimes."

"Don't be like that... I don't know but not like that and you know we were only supposed to be fuck buddies.... No, I'm not saying we are more than that but you know this was only supposed to be a one time thing and when it happened again that's what we agreed on.... Look I got to go before she wakes up but I'll see you tomorrow.... Stop... You know what... It's fine, bye."

He sighed and his hand moved from my hip. I had so many mixed emotions. I didn't know if I wanted to confront him or cry or if I should be angry, upset, or just disappointed and whether I should be disappointed in him for cheating again or disappointed in myself for thinking he would change. I started crying. He layed down and pulled me closer to him. I sniffled and knew he heard it. I sighed.

"Baby, what's wrong?" I turned around to face him. "Bad dream." He wiped my tears away. "What was it about?" "You cheated on me." His face fell. He was shocked and scared and I could tell he felt broken. "It's okay, I know you would never." He pulled me closer to him. "Yeah." I cried on his shoulder and he just held me, rocking me back and forth telling me that it's over and that it's okay.

I fell asleep to him holding me and rocking me.

The next morning

I woke up in his arms and cuddled up close to him. He pulled me closer and kissed my forehead. "Oh, look. You want me now." "Stop." "You're done being a brat." "Are you done being a jerk?" "Yeah." "It doesn't seem like it." "I'm sorry." "No you're not." "Did you get some more sleep last night?" "What?" "You had a bad dream remember." "Oh, yeah." "Did you?" "Yeah." "Good."

I thought about it and finally asked him. "Hey babe." "Yeah." "Where'd you go last night?" "What?" "Where did you go last night? I woke up and you weren't there. It was like one in the morning." I hoped he didn't catch on to my lie. "I couldn't sleep so I went for a drive." "Oh." "I'm sorry." "For what?" He was hesitant about saying it. "...Nothing.. It's just.."

Is he gonna tell me. I braced myself for the words that were about to come out of his mouth then started to think about how I should feel about it then he spoke one word. "Nevermind." "You sure?" "Yeah."

Why won't he just tell me. I get get he doesn't want to hurt my feelings but I'm done crying just tell me. Be honest with me. Don't keep doing this and we wouldn't have a problem. To be honest, I don't even think I could leave him. That probably makes this whole trip worth nothing but I know we aren't gonna work. When have any ex's worked.

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