Valentine's Day

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Taraji's POV

I woke up from another dream of what may or may not have happened last night.

I saw the bed was empty and looked over at the clock. It read 7:12 a.m. My eyes went wide as I got up rushing to the bathroom to get ready.

I slipped on my uniform and shoes then grabbed my bag and stuff after brushing my teeth and rushly calling in apologizing for how late I was and yelling them when I was gonna be there.

I rushed downstairs grabbing a water and a granola bar. I saw Joey shirtless rubbing around the couch chasing Franny.

"Good morning baby." He said coming to kiss me. I gave him a quick peck on the cheek and started gathering all Franny's stuff. I ran back upstairs tripping and putting my arms out to catch myself. "Fuck." My wrist hurt but I got up and jogged the rest of the way to my bedroom to gather the rest of her stuff.

As I ran back downstairs I grabbed her after she made me chase her and started getting her ready. I called Debbie. She didn't answer the first time so I just kept calling her till she finally picked up.


"Did you fucking forget I have your child and I had work this morning."


I heard heavy breathing then giggles.

"What the fuck Debbie?!"

I looked at Joey then back at Franny signaling that I needed him to finish getting her ready as I walked into the kitchen.

I heard a moan and pulled yhe phone away from my ear.

"You knew that I had work and I really don't appreciate you having sex on the other end of the fucking phone not even paying attention to me. If I knew you were gonna take advantage of me I wouldn't have done this in the first place."

There was silence on the other end and I pulled the phone away and saw that she had hung up.

"Oh my fucking god!" I ran my hands through my hair in frustration. I marched back into the living room where I saw Joey holding Franny.

"What's the problem?" He furrowed his brow. "Debbie's being a fucking asshole and I'm two hours late to work." I sighed. "Can you watch her?" "I'm busy, sorry." I grabbed her angry at his answer and the rest of the stuff. I opened the door and slammed it behind me marching over to the Gallagher's house and pushing open there door.

Nobody was home. I walked to Kev and V's but they were leaving. "Can you take her with?" "I'm sorry T but we're baby free today." "Please it will only be for a couple of hours before me or Debbie can pick her up." "I'm sorry."

I held her on my hip. "You have got to be fucking kidding me."

I went back inside the Gallagher house and plopped down on the couch feeling defeated. I called into work.

"Hey, I don't think I'm gonna make it today."

"Don't give me that, I'm already short two girls."

"I'm sorry."

"How long are you gonna be?"

"I don't know."

"I'm gonna have to let you go. It's only fair to the people that actually came into work when they were scheduled. I know it Valentine's day and all but you committed to this job when you took it and I already said I was firing the other girls that didn't come I can't give you special treatment."

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