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Terrence POV

I felt horrible about how Aimee took me away from the cute girl, I felt guilty and I wanted to apologize to her

I might exaggerate this but it didn't seem right

I wasn't going at Aimee's today so I went home earlier than usual

I went the time the sponsors were everywhere in the school talking to the students so Aimee wouldn't see that I was leaving

Everything was going well with her by the way, she was with me everywhere I went and Fred took that opportunity to flirt with all of Aimee's friends without them knowing

Pure talent

I got a kiss from her as a reward every time she passed our daily tests in class and I have to admit I kinda liked it

I'd say she was my first kiss, first girl to kiss me on the cheek excluding my mother

A guy couldn't help but be happy

I sneaked out of school when there was a lot of people outside because even though I was with her all the time I have to admit I got tired of it, she was too clingy and I needed space

Minutes later I was opening the front door to my home

I found a couple making out in the living room immediately I opened the door

My parents

They didn't stop after I closed the door, I'm sure they heard me

Dad was taking advantage of mom's condition to make-out with her everywhere and anytime

It was like they couldn't get enough of each other after the fight and mom's hormones weren't helping

They normally make out in front of us after they mend but this was getting out of hand

"You have a room upstairs guys" I said

They stopped their making out session and looked at me

"It's my house" dad said standing up smiling

"And" he leaned in and kissed mom

"I can do whatever I want" he said carrying her bridal style as she yelped and giggled

"At least do it behind closed doors" I rolled my eyes

He laughed his voice filling the room

"How do you think you were born boy?"

I gave up, my parents were unbelievably annoying

"There's pizza in the fridge if you're hungry" mom said while dad took her away

"Okay" I sighed

I heard mom giggle before the door to their bedroom closed with a bang causing me to shake my head with a smile

I secretly liked how they showed their care for one another, it just showed how much they loved each other and they weren't ashamed to show it to the world

I wanted that, I was going to have that one day

I made my way up the stairs down the hall way to my room, after freshening up I sat on my chair to study, exams were next week and I had to prepare

Thirty minutes into my studies Teresa barged in my room her laptop in her hand

"Resa raising your hand to the door and knocking twice wouldn't do you any harm" I glared at her

She walked carelessly and sat on my bed placing her laptop down

"You never knock in mine" she said nonchalantly switching it on

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