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Terrence POV

"Mom can I borrow your phone again" I asked my mom with pleading eyes

"Hmm lemme think" she said and glanced at the ceiling before looking at me "No"

My face dropped, I wasn't expecting that

I've been borrowing her phone for the past few days, to talk to Fred. He's lucky his parents allowed him to have a phone unlike my parents who could't just get me one

I don't see why having a phone is such a big deal, they bought me a laptop and a gaming console

These distract me already ...anyway

"Why though know I've been a good Boy and covered for you when you went to the office-"

"Shhhhh" mom waved her hands to shut me up "Your father might hear you" she said shoving the phone in my hands

I grinned and hugged her

"Thanks mom" I said and ran upstairs to my room

*hey bro

I texted Fred on WhatsApp, it showed that he was online and a second later he replied

*Hey wassup

*just lying in bed ...bored

*got nun to do?


*hmm you could come at my place if you're game

I looked away from the phone and thought about it

Hmm I could

It's high time I do

*I'm game...just gotta ask mother first

*haha you take permission from mommy? ...Mommy's boy😹

*shut up😐

Talking about how annoying Fred is, he'll surely not let go of this Mommy's boy thing

I sighed

I got up and went downstairs to ask for my mom's permission to leave home. Yup we can't leave unless we tell our parents

For such a rich family our parents were very strict

I halted at the last step of the stairs and saw mom still on the couch I left her a while ago watching TV


"Hmm" she answered taking her eyes off the screen and looked at me

"Fred wants me to go at his place ...can I go?"

She just looked at me with a blank face

"May I go?" I sighed

"Sure no probs"

I grinned and took out the phone from my pocket

*location bro

A second later Fred sent the location

I tilted my head surprised, we actually lived in the same hood, not far from my house at that

I chuckled small world

"Something funny?"

I looked up and shook my head no. I walked to her before giving her her phone back

"Thank you" I smiled

"You're welcome"

Then I went upstairs to get ready

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