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Terrence POV

"YOU WHAAATT??" Mom and Resa screamed

It was around 5 pm, dad and I were in the living room tired from church

We had nothing to do so I thought of updating him on the current issues with Cat

I was restless all day trying to figure out what I did wrong, I was confused why she ran off like that yesterday

I felt like there was something I said wrong but then did I? I kissed her knowing she likes someone else

I had to apologise for evading her privacy

Even though I said it didn't mean anything to me, it meant everything to me

I wished I told her that but I just didn't want to put her in a love triangle or a bad place for that matter

So I thought of telling dad, maybe he could give me some advice. All of that went sideways when my mom and sister decided to show up and scream

I'm sure they hadn't heard the whole story, all they heard was I kissed a girl and told her it didn't mean anything, I could tell from their reaction

"You told her it didn't mean a thing?" Mom asked entering the gym "why'd you say that" she frowned

"Mom she likes someone else, kissing her wasn't right" I said

"She told you she likes someone else?" Resa frowned

"Yeah" I sighed

"What? Really?" She said sounding confused "what exactly did she say"

"She said she likes a guy from our class but he never noticed her until recently" I explained

"That's obviously you" she said in a duh tone

"Right" I chuckled in disbelief

"I'm telling you, did you know her last term?" She raised her eyebrows

"Yes I did but after a few weeks since the term started"

"But... no that's impossible, if there's somebody she likes it's obviously you, I can tell" Resa said in certain

"How sure are you honey" Dad asked

"She looks at Terr differently, she looks more happy around him and she opens up only when he's around"

I laughed

I couldn't believe what she just said

"She does that with all of us" I said

"Are you sure" mom asked

"Yes I"

"Phillip has noticed her recently it has to be him" I cut Resa

"It can't be him Terrence listen to me, she likes you I'm sure of it, I might not have proof but I see it and so does Fred, why do you think we set you guys up?"

I looked at her


I didn't have an answer to that question, I never actually thought about it since I focused on Cat everytime I was abandoned with her

Never in my wildest dreams had I thought of Cat liking me

Was my sister right?

I couldn't believe it, but my sister's theory seemed to make sense somehow

There was only one way I'd know if Cat really did like me, and that was hearing it from her

"This aside, do you kids discuss about school sometimes? All you talk about is stuff concerning relationships" Dad brought in an annoying subject

Mom smacked her shoulder

"What? They never come to us asking an academical question"

"They're smart you have to be grateful" mom said

I sighed

"Just tell this girl how she feels" Dad said

"Or you could go for Resa's friend, you know the one that you dropped home, that one seemed like she likes you and looks like a good girl" mom said


She had just seen her for the first time and literally jumped into a strong conclusion

Could this really be true?

"Mom she's-"

"Speaking of her" mom cut Resa and turned to dad "did you know Victor Monroe has a daughter?"

My dad gasped

That. Was weird

I've never seen him gasp, this must've been very surprising

"Really?" He asked "what? No...I can't picture him having a kid" he chuckled

"I know right, the guy is so serious and never seen with women not even a rumour"

"It's unbelievable, I don't believe you"

We watched our parents as they talked about Cat's dad

"How did it even happen?" Mom asked

"He wasn't all that serious at first I heard, maybe she happened before he closed everyone off" Dad shrugged

"Hmm maybe" mom said "so yeah Terr go for her" she looked at me

"It's her" I sighed and looked at my hands

Why does this have to be so complicated


"She's the girl mom" Resa said

"The girl?"

"Yes, the girl he kissed, the girl he likes"

"Ooooooh.... Oh..oh wow" she looked at Dad

"I gotta go sleep, I'm tired" I got up and left the gym retiring for the day


I showered, wore sweatpants and a dark blue shirt and was currently lying in bed with my left arm above my head and the latter on my tummy looking at the ceiling

I had been in this position for a while thinking

This was so confusing

Does she really like me?

If only I could confirm this, I just hope it was really true because that would make me feel like the luckiest guy

Maybe I should tell her how I feel like dad said

I was deep in thought when I felt somebody sit on my bed and leaning on the headboard


I shuffled and laid my head on her lap and she started caressing my hair

"Why is it so complicated mom" I whispered

"You'll figure it out honey"

"I hope so"

"Your father's right, you should tell her how you feel"

"How do I do that" I sighed

"You could take her to the anniversary party"

"Like a date?"

"Like a date yes"

I sighed

Maybe that would work

"Okay.... I'll ask her but after I tell her how I really felt about what happened"

"Yes" I knew she was smiling

"Thank you Mom"  I whispered before drifting off to sleep


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