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Terrence POV

"Wow this place has totally changed" Resa said

"Yea" I said looking around

"The hostels look so cool, I can't believe they made this in only four months"

We had just entered the school campus and my sister just wouldn't stop admiring what ever she saw

"Wow this school is really rich, you guys are actually allowed to bring cars wow"

I sighed

It's like she's never been here

This was the first day of school after four months of staying home. Everyone was ecstatic and happy meeting their friends after so long, they were all in groups scattered on the campus

"I hope people here are fun ...can't wait to make friends" she excitedly said

"Friends? you're sticking with me" I said with no room for discussion

She frowned and stopped walking


"I don't like the behavior people portray here ...all spoilt"

"Pshh" she waved me off and started walking again

We reached the corridors

"I'm sure not everyone here is that bad, besides I've got a great taste in choosing friends" she said with pride

"And how did that end for you?" I snorted

"Hey!" She stood in front of me which caused me to stop and look down at her

Her forefinger pointed at me as she placed other arm on her hip

"Don't you use that on me, you know she was cool"

"She was a fake"

"She wasn't"

"Whatever makes you sleep at night" I rolled my eyes

I grabbed her shoulders moving her out of my way and started walking to class and she followed suite

We reached the form one class and my heart started beating fast out of no where, my eyes looked inside the class through the windows as I walked in search of a certain someone

She wasn't in there

Perhaps she's with her friends

Why am I even looking for her?

I looked away from the class and looked elsewhere

I thought about the conversation I had with my sister last time we talked about her



"You like her"

I looked at her and half chuckled

"I don't"

"You do, the way you looked when you talked about her today says it all, I ignored it at first but now it just...proves a point"

"I don't" I said again

"Why do you think she hasn't left your mind then? And to be honest you got over Aimee way too fast I hope you don't want to use Cathy as your rebound" she said her last sentence full of accusatory

I frowned

"That's impossible, I don't even know her that much"

"Does it really matter? You never knew Aimee"

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