Us Again

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August POV

I wasn't even gone argue with Tee, she had every right to be pissed off. I just left and didn't even bother to go see if Tee was okay. I got in the ranger and sped down the road.. I called Keenan...

Keenan: hello??

Me: meet me at the bar..

Keenan: iight..

That's why I like Keenan, he don't ask questions he just go with the flow...

I pulled up at the bar and walked in.. it was shallow, and there nobody at the bar.. when I sat down some white girl came to me..

Girl: what can I get cha??

I looked at her with gloomy eyes.. and put 2000 dollars on the counter..

Me: give me shots for that much..

She stepped back and pulled up some glasses from the bottom counter. she pushed 6 shot glasses down to me and went back to what she was doing.. I started throwing them down. when Keenan walked in..

Keenan: damn, throwing them back...

Me: I fucked up..

Keenan: let's not get in to all that shit, we just need to drink it away..

I smiled at the sound of that and started to finish the shots in front of me.. The girl came back and slid us another tray of shots..

We was throwing them back and Trey came in.

Me: The fuck you come from..??

Trey: saw your car when I came from the store so I pulled up... Why yall here?

Keenan: don't worry about it just down these shots nigga..

We sat there for hours just taking them back and getting wasted all at the same time.. Keenan wasn't drinking them like me and Trey was so he was a little tipsy.. finally I think the girl kinda felt bad so she stopped giving us the shots..

Me: I'm finna head out...

Trey: immmmaaaa, iiiiii.....

Keenan: shut up Trey.. just take yo ass home.. Naww just take yo ass to my car I will drop you off..

Trey walked outside and almost busted his ass..

Me: iight.. nigga imma goo hoommmeee.

Keenan: come on Aug, just ride with me I'll take you home..

Me: nawe I'm good...

Keenan: August..

Me: naw, I'm good take Trey ass home..

He walked away and I watched him get in his car.. I sat in the drivers seat of my car and tried to think things over.. I started the car and I drove and drove and drove until I saw some red and blue lights.. I pulled over.. A man came to my window and knocked on it.. I rolled down the window..

Police: hands on the wheel sir..

I looked him at him with gloomy eyes..

Police: can I ask you where you are going..

Me: home..

Police: step out of the car sir..

I stepped out of the car and the police put this thing in my mouth that I had to blow in.. he took it out and looked at it..

Me: can I go home now..

He grabbed my arms and force them behind my back.

Police: you are over the drinking limit.. I'm going to have to take you in.

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