Before Us

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August POV

I sat beside Tee and brung her legs up on my lap.. I knew she wasn't gone lets this shit go.. Especially when it had something to do with me having another baby...

Tee: you may proceed with the telling of your story, Mr. Alsina..

Me: damn, you wanna know that bad..

Tee: uhh, yes, your my man so I should know everything including bitches you've might have gotten pregnant cause I pretty sure there is a lot of them claiming you did..

Me: how you figure that??

Tee: before me, did you have a different girl every day of the week?

Me: iight, you got me there, but I was in a few serious relationships.. two... including you..

Tee:and who was the other?? Camilla?

Me: yeah..

Tee: tell me the story..

Me: well, I met her in high school you can say she was my first actual girlfriend..

Tee: first love?

She kinda looked down and played with her dress when she asked me that question..

Me: almost, but not quite..

Tee: how??

Me: We were together for like a year and then when I dropped out when i was 17 she was still there by my side..

Tee: you dropped out of high school?

Me: yeah, anyway I started selling crack and she slowly started falling back, I'll go two weeks without seeing her and she popped in and out, and when I did see her of course we were fucking and I still called her my girl. When I was 19 she called me from her mama house and told me to come over there, and of course I did.. when I walked in she was sitting on the floor crying with a pregnancy test in her hand, I walked over to her and held her in my arms and I looked at it and it was positive.. I told her that I would be there for her cause foreal I thought the baby was mine. So through her whole pregnancy I was there and she gave birth to Harmony my daughter, or so I thought. My mama saw her when she came out and after a couple hours she pulled me outside and told me to get a DNA test.. I got pissed off, I felt like my mama was being stupid, cause she never really like Camilla.. I ignored her wishes and got attached to my baby girl and mama wouldn't stop pestering me into get the test so I finally manned up and asked Camilla for one and she hesitated a little but eventually said yes. Honestly I did it to prove my mama wrong. Two weeks later I got the test results back. She wasn't mine.. I went straight to Camilla and we had a huge fight.. I told her I was done, but I still wanted to be apart of Harmony's life.. I stilled loved her like she was mine, and I planned on really stepping up to the plate, but one day I went over to Camilla mama house she wasn't there and her mama told me that they had had a fight and she left and she didn't know where she was.. So for 6 months I looked high and low for her and when it was almost a year I stopped looking and today was the first time I saw her in like 2 or 3 years..

I didn't know what to say after that so I just sat there until Tee broke the ice..

Tee: damn...

Me: yeah, damn..

Tee: so do you think you still have feelings for her?

Me: fuck no.. I love you..

Tee: okay, that's all I needed to know..

Me: I knew you wouldn't wanna hear about it...

Tee: yeah, I really don't like hearing how my baby had to go through shit like that so I rather make you happy instead of sad..

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