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 tw: physical abuse, toxic relationship

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tw: physical abuse, toxic relationship.

knowing that someone doesn't love you when you adore them is the worst feeling. especially when you can't live without them. y/n adored boris, and everyone knew. but everyone also knew that boris didn't love her the way that she loved him.

but y/n didn't see that, she was so stuck up on him that she didn't realize how toxic he was. how toxic their relationship was. everyone told y/n that she should dump him, leave him forever but y/n didn't want to. how could she when all she did was daydream about their future together?

he was the reason as to why y/n flinched at everything, he was the reason as to why she felt miserable and worthless. he was the reason as to why y/n was so confused.

y/n and theo sat on the curb of theo's pool as their feet touched the cool water. y/n sighed as theo continued to talk to her about how dangerous boris was to her.

"why aren't you listening to me? look at your eye! this is extremely pathetic, don't know why you won't just leave him." theo yelled.

"it was an accident, he didn't mean it! he apologized after, he said he wasn't going to do it again." y/n replied as she looked at her feet.

"yeah well that's bullshit and you know it. do you know how many times he's said that? a shit ton, he always says that! and what happens after a week? another bruise, like always!"

"theo, i don't need you to be my fucking mom! i know what i'm doing, he loves me and i love him."

"you're stupid. it's just logic, did you not pay attention in health class, the relationship abuse cycle? the tension building phase, then the incident happens, and finally the honeymoon phase."

y/n laughed. "it's not like that, i swear."

"you know what? fuck you! i've been telling you for months to dump his ass, but you never listen. and each day i see how much he has affected you! by a new bruise every week or by seeing how depressed you are. and it's not okay, if you don't leave him, you'll end up dead!" theo yelled as he got up and walked back into his house.

y/n watched as he left, feeling her eyes get watery. he was right, but she didn't want to believe it, she refused to.

y/n walked to her house, she quietly closed the door. but she still caught her mother's attention, she walked towards y/n.

"y/n? hi honey, how's your bruise? any better?" y/n's mother hugged the girl.

y/n had lied about her bruise just like she did with every other. "yeah it's getting there. i'm tired so goodnight mom."

"oh honey, boris is upstairs he's been waiting for you."

y/n looked up at her mom. "how long?"

"over an hour."

y/n then ran up the stairs knowing that boris hated when he had to wait for her. she opened the door and saw him smoking a cigarette as he sat on her bed. y/n locked the door as she threw her stuff on the floor.

"where were you?" boris asked as he got up and put out his cigarette.

"theo's." she replied.

"seems to me like you've been going there a little bit too much. are you fucking him?"

"what? no, i would never, theo's my best friend."

"i don't care! you have me waiting, and for what? so you can fuck him behind my back? you're such a whore."

y/n looked down as boris walked towards her. "no, i would never do that, i swear!"

"don't care. even if you're not sleeping with him, you're still a slut."

"stop!" y/n said, turning to him. "i have to tell you something." she managed to say.

boris replied. "oh so you are admitting that you fucked him."

"no! i'm breaking up with you, all you do is fuck me over! you don't care about me, you never did. and i can't deal with it anymore. i'm sick and tired of your shit, and i hate how you think that you can just walk into my house and act like it's yours, abusing the shit out of me. i hate you!"

"i should have fucking listened to everyone when they told me that you're a piece of shit, but i didn't want to believe them because i thought i loved you, and i thought that you loved me! fuck you boris, fuck you and your shit mind!" y/n yelled as she cried.

"you can't break up with me!" boris yelled as he grabbed onto y/n's wrist.

"don't touch me you piece of shit!" y/n said as she pulled away from his grip. "and yes i'm leaving you, i can't handle your shit anymore. now get out, i don't ever want to see you again."

boris grabbed onto y/n and hugged her. "you can't leave me, you're all i have."

y/n pushed him away. "yeah well maybe you should have treated me better, goodbye boris."

boris felt angry and upset, he wanted to throw her across the room yet hold her. but he saw how hurt she was and the stupid bruise she had on her face, so instead of doing anything or saying something he walked out of her room. and he never returned.

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