Good to be bad

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Now Barry wished he had dated Snart or something. Not her... The she-devil decided that if you are too dump someone, do it face to face. That's the good bit. The bad bit... That was the decision to dump him in front of every member of the police force.

Now it was like he was made of glass or something. Their sweet personality did his head in! He wished that they would have continued to be the horrible people that he was used to.

Now, the dumping bit. It wasn't filled with shame because he was never was happy in the first place - always fake with everything. Did not care one bit about the other.

Now because of all the fragility that everything was being shown, Sebastian was starting to break free of the cage.

To be honest. Barry could not care less.


Over a month, Sebastian was utterly free. While the Captain was concerned, he did not intervein as thanks to Sebastian breaking out; he was a morning person. He continuously arrived to work on time or early.

Moments of Barry shone through. Star Wars was always one of them. Along with Harry Potter. No matter what, he would never stop liking the things that brought real magic to his childhood.


Surprisingly, it Snart snapped first. He marched into CCPD - not caring about all the officers - and slapped Sebastian around the face. Like, he really got him - even if Bassy pretended to move his face so Mr Cold would not feel bad.

"What has gotten into you!" Snart barked into his face. His eyes were searching Bassy's trying to figure out the question for himself.

"Well, hello to you too, Cold!" Bassy said, waving his hands around his head dramatically.

"How do these two know each other?" Singh whispered to Joe. As far as he knew, his CSI had nothing to do with him except through the cases he dealt with.

"I am not allowed to tell you about that," Joe whispered back. He was watching the interaction with the interest a sportsman gives to a match.

"Well, with your new behaviour..." Snart started.

"It's not new; this is from high school years."

"...we might as well take down the no speedsters..." Snart continued.

"Oh, that is how they know each other..."

"...sign in Saints and Sinners. They did not know they you were, Scarlet?" Snart finished, his eyebrows lifted in surprise.

"Thanks for telling them!" Bassy growled after speeding to hold Snart to the wall by the arm across the chest. His lightning was blaring the path.

Not even a pin dropping was heard once the lightning was seen.

"Why are you like this?" Snart asked.

"Because it's good to be bad!" Bassy cackled.

Using his speed, Bassy grabbed Snart by the neck before picking him up and throwing him to the floor, Snart clawing helplessly at his throat.

"Who are you..?" Snart croaked.

"A monster released from its cage!" Bassy eerily said gravely. "I am... Sebastian Smythe!!" His voice blended into that of what could have been seen as the son of a monster and the devil itself.


I am... (Barry And Sebastian One-shots Part Two)Where stories live. Discover now