Chapter 1

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You ran and ran, stairs after stairs, twist after twist after twist. It never seemed to stop, the route you seemed to take only grew larger as more and more hallway got blocked out by people you didn't know. Their faces were blurry, their voices were obscure. You couldn't hear anything of what they were saying. It was like they spoke but the sentence made it to you in broken fragments. Fragments that could be important or just dangerous for all that you could have known. Seeing no other way out you hide in the bathroom stalls.

Where were you?

It was something you were not able to answer no matter how hard you tried. You looked at yourself in the mirror, it seemed like you were in a school perhaps? That must be it. You saw students all over the place. Then you began to feel something heavy on your shoulders. As you took it off you realized it was a backpack. You quickly opened the backpack and searched through it, inside of it were; clothing; a pencil case; school books and a pair of scissors. You took a critical look at everything before grabbing the scissors and clothing. You released your hair from the two braids that you always had and sigh while looking into the mirror. You brought the scissors to your hair and began to cut it. With every cut, you could hear a beep. A beep that grew louder and louder to your irritations. You close your eyes for a longer a while only to open them and being in a different room.

You look around confused not sure what was a reality, then you could hear the beeping sound again. You looked at the nightstand beside your bed and saw that is was your phone. Your alarm was ringing. You grabbed the phone and turned off the alarm so you decided to check your social media before actually getting up. In the meanwhile, it was a normal day for every other student in Seoul. The sun shined and there were no clouds to be seen over the sky, the sky was clear blue with the sun standing high and proud. You got up from your bed after checking all of your social media which wasn't much and took a nice warm shower to wake up completely. After your routine in the shower, you got dressed and did your hair.

Once you looked into the mirror once again, you looked into yourself critical. What flaws did you have? None according to the people around you, According to yourself? A lot... you would never be perfect enough. Nobody loved you. Nobody looked after you. You were all alone, just like you always had been. When you stared into your own eyes for too long you blinked only to become a little baby once again. Next to you were standing your parents. Lee Taeyang and Lee Yong-Gamhan. You were always mesmerized by your parents their name, moon and fearless. But your own name disappointed you. Lee Y/N, nothing special. You looked at them through the mirror, your mother put a hand on your head and softly stroked your hair, while your father put a hand on your shoulder and softly squeezing it.

"Why do you look so sad Y/N? Don't you like the surprise we have planned for your eighth birthday?" she smiled softly at you while playing with your hair. Then she began to comb your hair so you put your head slightly back, wanting the touch to last but it didn't. You looked back into your reflection, greeted by your parents as their reflection showed what they had looked like when they died. Covered in blood, bones snapped, hair a mess, clothing thorned and ripped. Open wounds and branches all over the place, but then you stood there. The child that just had turned eight, now needed to live a life without parents, without anyone to look up to or to learn everything from. No one that could help you with school or prom, being social or friendly. So that is what you became. A cold-hearted eighteen-year-old student, not being able to socialize you became an outcast. Always bullied and unable to open up to anyone.

In the mirror, your parents now stayed the same, dead. While you slowly grew up. From a child to a teen, to an adolescent and eventually the student you are now. It was a sad portrait painted in the mirror from the scrapes, pieces, and bits you were able to remember from your past. You wanted to forget and ignore your past, but you couldn't ignore the people that actually made you. You didn't want to forget your parents but you did want to forget the day that you lost them. It was your eighth birthday and your parents promised to take you on a trip to your grandparents. You had never seen your grandparents so that was your greatest wish at that moment, but when you all were actually on the way there something went wrong. It went horribly wrong. Because of that wrongdoing, you ended up the way you are right now.

You shook your head not wanting to remember that part. You opened the cabinet behind your mirror and moved some bottles out of the way. You grabbed the blade and held it in your hand. Ever since what had happened you had been depressed, dangerously depressed. You didn't seek help because you knew that if you would ever get those pills an overdose would happen. You sigh and put the blade back. 'maybe later after school and work, then nobody will notice' those were the words that spoke and spooked trough your head. Nobody needed to know what you did to yourself, nobody needed to feel pity with you. You were strong but breakable and fragile, hurt but you still smiled, perfect for others but misshapen in your own world. You didn't fit into the picture you wanted to fit in. You wanted to be happy and actually smile but all you could do was fake your smile and think of death. You lived on day after day, each day is harder than the last one. Living became a dread of nothingness for you but you kept going, for your parents even if they weren't there. It was horrible but you did your best, just like they had always done for you.

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