Chapter 41

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after spending the whole nigh with the guys and all having a sleep over in your room the morning sun came trough the window waking you up as the very first. Looking at the boys who were all scatered around on the floor with blankets and pillows you couldn't help but think how lucky you are with al of them. But also about how lucky you were to be alive this day. If they didn't come to rescue you that time you wouldn't be alive to this day so you were still very gratefull. It took the boys quite a while to wake up but you didn't mind it at all. once they were awake they got up and took you to the kitchen area where they had a table for eight people so you could have food with them. While Seokjin and Yoongi were cooking, both Jimin and Jungkook took the job of cleaning up your room after the sleep over. Namjoon, Taehyung and Hoeseok kept you company in the mean time. 

As time went by the guys were all done with cleaning and makling breakfast so as soon as everyone was sitting on the table with the food infront them, the silence fell upon the eight of you as you all began digging into the food like you hadn't been eating in days (which ofcourse wasn't true at all). In the time you all were eating you noticed how Sarah and Aiden had been sneaking into the room and up on your legs as they were now in your lap with their heads on the edge of the table. Sticking out their tongue they licked some of your food adn decided that they didn't like it all.

Hoesok had noticed it too so he walked to the extra cooler that had. They had been using it food the for that the originally Sarah had been eating and now Aiden too. He grabbed some of the crickets that were in it and put them on a plate and placed it next to your plate so that in that way the snakes would be able to eat too. So instead that they were eating your food they ate their own along with you guys. A family dinner that was quite unlikely to happen anywhere else than at the household you guys were in.

The time went by so fast that you guys hardly noticed that you had been on the dinner table for hours now just talking and eating the good food. When one of you looked at the clock the shock was seeable on their face. But they did not tell anyone cause there was no reason to panick. All of you had nothing to do exepct going to the grocery store to get the food and drinks in house that all of you needed. So when all of you were done Jimin took you to your room and helped you with dressing as the others began dressing too.

"Would you like to come with us to the store? I mean you can stay here if you want to ofcourse but we have enough place in the car and we have a wheelchair for you so you can come with us." he looked at you with a soft smile as he took some of  the clothing in your closet and used it for himself. You gave a small nod towards him but there was a small hint of something else in it. "Okay what do you want for you to come with us?" 

"I don't want the wheelchair but i want to have a piggyback ride the whole time we are in the store and I don't care who of you guys is going to do it but I do want it. Do we have a deal?" 

'Ofcourse you have a deal, anything else?" you thought for a bit and nodded that there was indeed something else.

"I want Sarah and Aiden to join too."he nodded at your requirements and took you back to the livivng where all the others were alreedy waiting with the wheelchair for you. "No wheelchair for me today guys! Jimin promised me that one of you would give me a piggyback ride the whole time we are in the store. So who is it going to be?" 

"Let's do rock, paper, siccors to see who it is going to be because i think that more of us want to carry you the whole time isnt it?" all of them nodded and they took fifteen mintues before the winner was decided and it was Yonogi who had the honor this time.

"come on Jimin give Y/N to me, I won this fair and square." he smiled at you and stood ready for him to carry you with honor."

"You always win this hyung but be carefull! We can't have any more wounds than that Y/N already has at this moment." he carefull let you go over from his back to Yoongi his back. As he made sure that he had your legs tightly around him, he still held onto them to make sure you wouldn't fall.

"Oh can someone put on my shoes? I kind of forgot to put them on..." you scrathed your head as the boys laughed softly at it. Indeed soon enough Namjoon had grabbed your shoes and carefully put them on. "Thank you Namjoon! Okay now let's go!!" all of them smiled and walked out of the room and house as only Yoongi had noticed both Sarah and Aiden slip into the hoodie you were wearing.

"Sneaky." he wishpered it in your ear which made you giggle. "Let me guess... Jimin promised this too didn't he?" you nodded and rested your head on his shoulder. A smile formed on his face as they soon entered the car and began driving to the store.

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