Chapter 43

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The tension was killing, the people were scared, children were crying and the cops held aim. Outside journalists had gathered around to make world news out of this. They swarmed the place like flies and weren't planning on leaving.

"We are not giving you Y/N."

It was a clear line. They wouldn't go down without a fight. The cops wouldn't take no for an answer. Then the head cop shot in the ceiling to wake fear in the eight of you. But it didnt work and he noticed. None of you flinched but your snakes had gotten out of your hood.

"Look... the snakes." A customer noticed your snake and had recognized you as a neighbour. "I know that snake." She straightend her clothing and walked towards you with her cane. "Its nice seeing you again Y/N." You looked at her and your eyes got big.

"Granny!" You gave her a hug and she gladly hugged you back as Namjoon tried to hold as best as possible. "How have you been?"

"I've been well dear. But why arent living at your apartment anymore? I thought you liked it?"

"Oh I do like it there granny but these guys offered to be my family when I was at a more worse place than hell. They saved me granny." Your eyes got teary as she cupped your cheeks.

"Are you happy with them?"

"I am granny, I am the happiest I have ever been." A tear slipped out of your eyes as you spoke your words. Granny softly wiped your tears. A kiss was left your forehead and she walked towards the police. With her cane ready she pointed it at the police.

"If you dare to take Y/N away from the happiness in Y/N's life you will regret it." Her cane rose and came down on the police leader his hand with gun and he dropped it from the pain. "You should listen to their story before taking any actions you big dummies!" She scoffed at them and walked out of the store.

"Who was that woman?" All of them looked at each other before you and the guys burst out in a small personal laughter. The police people looked at you and the boys with an angry face. "We demand that you will tell us who that was this instance! You understand that?" the officer looked at you all and you only laughed way and way more.

"That woman was my old neighbour, she is really nice and has a point there you know? Why dont you listen to our side of the story before trying to take actions? Cant you see that i am in no danger at all? Ever since I came with these guys, I finnaly felt happy again, because of them i feel like I finally belong somewhere. They take care of me and I take care of them. So if you would please leave us be," you stopped for a small bit and then looked at the boys. "cause our family needs some alone time after this." Everyone was speechless as you and the boys quickly engulfed each other in a group hug as the people who watched soon broke out in a loud applause.

The police however didnt know what to do. They all looked at each other and what was happening in front of them. Eventually they put their guns away and stood straight as the leader scrapped his throat to get your attention. Once he succeeded, his whole team with him included bowed deeply towards you trying to get forgiveness out of you.

Looking at then you smiled and nodded, they nodded back and left the store and soon would report to the office that it was a false alarm and it was just a look alike.

Everyone scattered away and back into their normal lives as there was nothing more to see. Everyone went back on their paths and let you with the boys be. But the boys looked at you with a proud smile.

"You saved our family Y/N, thank you for that." His voice sounded soft and grateful with a hint of proudness hidden underneath it. Carefully you stretched out your arm and ruffles his hair.

"I would do anything to save our family Jungkook, take my word on that." All of them nodded and waited a little bit before you decided to say what they and you could do next. "How about we finish grocery shopping and then go watch a movie or something?"

"Sounds like a plan to me! I will carry you okay?"

"Not in the slightest Hoseok, it was my turn to carry Y/N since I won rock, paper and siccors. So come on Y/N." You laughed and got on his back while he grabbed the basket full of junk food and drinks you had gathered. "Away from these idiots!" He laughed and began running to somewhere else in the store. "How about ice cream?" He looked back at you as the others were just laughing in the distance.

"Now that sounds like a plan to me." While laughing and smiling you both went to the ice cream section of the store and choose ice for everyone. In the end you had enough ice cream, food and drinks to last the whole evening wachting movies and joking around.

Sarah and Aiden had their own little alone time in the house as you all watched movies. Hanging from the wooden beams and occasionally checking up on you but mostly they were together in a bundle on your bed. Bonding together as now they both had to protect you when those boys can't or wont be able to.

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