Chapter 26

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"Y/N... Wait!" when you heard that you didn't wait for a second and began running faster than you ever did. The streets were so busy it was easier for you to just run and not use your skateboard so that is what you did. The boys had been running after you faster than ever and actually were able to keep up with you. But then you went into the shopping streets which were way and way busier.

Sighing to yourself you looked around knowing that you couldn't go back to your apartment since they knew where you lived and that was causing a problem at this moment. So you kept your pace up high and looked around as you decided to go to a less crowded place and that is what you did. A little while later you had arrived at a bit calmer road as you kept running. Then in front of you was Yoongi. You stopped dead in your track and looked at him. Looking around you didn't see anyone else so you sigh and keep standing still, not wanting to look suspicious which you probably already did.

"Do I know you?" he spoke so confused so you shook your head as a no and kept looking at him. "You looked so familiar but anyways I am looking for this person, did you see Y/N around here?" you looked at the picture and it was one from a couple of weeks ago and you shook your head. Not wanting to reveal your voice you noticed a van coming your way, not thinking much of it you kept looking at him.

Just then you looked at the van again and saw that someone was hanging out from it with a bat. So your eyes went big and sprinted to Yoongi so you pushed him out of the way causing you to get hit with the bat. Falling to the ground you dropped your skateboard and heard Yoongi scream faintly in the background. Head hitting the floor, it caused such pain that your mind was chaos and your vision blurry, a loud echoing beep in your ear as you tried to look around. You saw Yoongi getting beaten and eventually knocked to the ground as he looked at you. Then the people walked to you and picked you up causing you to drop your backpack.

Your head had fallen back and your blurry eyes looked at Yoongi who was trying to get up but then the door was slammed closed before you could do anything. Groaning in defeat you felt someone harshly grab your hair as the van sped away from the hurt Yoongi.

"Such a pretty little thing, now I see what they liked about you." he laughed loudly and then commanded a few of his worker so tie you up and that is what they did. A cloth in your mouth and ducktape over it as they tied your hands and feet together with rope and a tight knot in it. The tears sprung in your eyes as you felt on of them slap you in the face as you were struggling.

"It is a feisty one, boss."

"Of course it is, they won't ever give us an easy target but well, you know that the feisty will disappear after a few days with us. Nobody survives that for a long time." you were listening to their talking and then to the radio as you noticed it was quite packed in the van. Seven people at least?... Why are they with the same amount of those idiotic boys. Shaking the thought away you were thinking about how to escape but before you had come up with a good a plan one of them had blindfolded you as you then were thrown over his shoulder and he began walking. He laughed and slapped your butt since it was close to his face.

"Hey! Cut the crap Wonwoo, we have other plans with the target remember?"

"I am so sorry boss, I won't do it again."


With their little conversation done you quickly tried to keep yourself from groaning in pain. It actually worked in your favor this time but it also caused you to pass out. When they noticed you were passed out they couldn't help but laugh loudly at it. Shaking their head they brought you to their basement and just threw you to the ground as they then proceeded to throw ice cold water in your face.

When you woke up with a shock you looked around but failed to see anything because of the blindfold. It was horrible. Then you heard something scrape over the floor. It was something metal against the concrete floor, it sounded so heavy. Your blindfold was ripped off roughly as your eyes tried to adjust to the darkness that was surrounding you. Soon enough you were able to make out the shape of them and then you noticed what the thing was that had been scraping against the floor, a sledgehammer.

Three of them walked to you as one untied your feet while the other two chained them separately against the wall. Then another one grabbed your writs and pulled you backward causing your legs to be straight and the chains were tense. Then the strongest one lifted the sledgehammer and slammed it against your ankles causing you to let out a muffled scream as the tears immediately flew down your face. He then walked to the other side and did the exact same.

After that they let you lose and took the ducktape off and the cloth out of your mouth. You couldn't let out a sound as then one came to you and punched your throat. With that, they all walked away laughing as you were lying there on the floor broken and hurt. Pulling yourself together you looked at your ankles and immediately saw that they had gotten more swollen. You layed yourself back onto the cold floor and began thinking of Sarah. You had to keep going for her, you are the only one she had and the other way around.

"For my Sarah."

A/N; the part of the sledgehammer is actually heavily inspired by this manga series that I really like. It is called 'Killing Stalking'

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