Chapter 17

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The night was restless. The thunder was restless. The rain was mind breaking. The lightning was scary close. Hands and feet bound to the wall as you tried to look around when the lightning struck. But you couldn't see a thing. You were blindfolded, where are you? You didn't know either. It was confusing, you knew you are in a room but where is that room? who put you in that room? who bound you to the wall?

Your wrists and ankles were bruised and thick, swollen and hurt, sore and probably broken. Every time you moved one of your ankles the pain shot through your leg causing you to whimper it out in pain. You tried again but the pain was too much, tears forming and threatened to fall yet you didn't let them go. You couldn't look weak, not for anyone and not for possible cameras. You had to be strong even if it was this hard. The blindfold was ripped off and your eyes were met with a blinding light. You shut them tight and open them again.

Waking up bathing in sweat as the rain ticked softly against the window was something that happened quite often. You got up from your bed and grabbed clean clothing as you walked to your bathroom. On your way there you looked at the clock and sighed to yourself.

"2 AM." shaking your head you put the clothing on the sink as you walked back and grabbed your phone to put on some relaxing music. It helped slightly as you put on soft piano music, careful to not wake up your neighbors even tho they were out of town this week and the next. After turning on the shower you undressed and waited till it was warm as you undid your hair in the meanwhile.

Getting under the shower was one of the greater feelings of relaxation in your life. Everything always had been so hectic that sometimes your own apartment didn't feel safe to you. Like you were watched at all times from the outside. Or with cameras even tho you knew that it was your mind playing with you right? You shook the feeling of being watched away and began rethinking about your dream. You had have been having these kinds of dreaming for a little while now. They seemed to get more bad every time a new appeared in your sleep. You couldn't help but connect them into a greater story. When would the story end? You didn't know, neither did you know where it would start. The beginning for so far as you knew were you running away from someone or something you couldn't see. But where would it go?

Sighing to yourself you quickly tried to think of something but nothing helped. You kept thinking of it all but eventually, you looked down at yourself. It was like you stepped outside of your body and looked at yourself. All you could see was a broken figure, a figure that wouldn't be able to be fixed again. But why were you so broken? Was it because of that you didn't have any parents? Or were it the scars that normally hid under your clothing? It was confusing to yourself. No, no... It was confusing to look at yourself from another person their view.

Picturing yourself with your normal clothing you actually understood where their assumption came from but was they all true? No, right? No. You aren't anything of what they said. You are just you and the best you can be at this moment in your life. You didn't need to change since you knew that you would be better than all of them in the long term. In this point of them, you might be the outcast, the underdog but you also knew that they weren't anything like a god or something, they were just one step above you. One step that you would be able to have overcome with help. But whose help? Those boys their help... but they discarded you immediately.

After turning off the shower and doing your routine after showering you walked passed the clock again. Another sigh left your mouth, 2:36 am. Shaking your head you walked into the living room to be greeted by the one who wouldn't ever leave you. She hissed softly and let herself fall softly on top of your neck and snake her body around your shoulder as her head softly went to your face. Licking your face with the split tongue she had you let out a soft chuckle.

"What is wrong little one? Are you lonely? You must be lonely yes." you looked at her and saw that she was letting off her old skin. "Is it that time again?" you smiled to yourself and walked to the sofa, only for Sarah to let go of you and snake to her hiding hole in there. It was kind of cute to watch as she went in there. You walked to the kitchen and made some instant ramen for yourself as you checked your clothing and grabbed your skateboard and keys. "I will be back soon Sarah."

You left the apartment and also the apartment complex and was greeted by the soft rain hitting your skin. The thunder was far away and it caused you to smile again as you tilt your head so the rain would fall on your face. It left a soft tingling feeling as you then put on your hoodie and placed your skateboard down and put your feet on it. Barefeet. It gave you more connection to you, the skateboard and the pavement. Then you skated away. The water spat up high after you as you went downhill with speed knowing nobody would be there at this hour. And indeed there wasn't anyone outside as you knew that there was a warning for the heavy rain. Yet you couldn't help yourself and skate like your life depend on it.

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