Chapter 32

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"What if you begin to hear voices? What if you die? What happens if you look back, Mia? I don't know anyone that came back after looking back. I met so many people here Mia and I lost a lot here too. I know that there are other people somewhere out there that are waiting for me but I don't remember them. I don't recall having memories with them, Mia! It is like I am brainwashed like something wants to keep me here." She looked at you in shock as you had gotten up and left the room. When you passed through the door frame she was able to see a pair of wings and a diadem floating above your head.

She quickly had walked after you and tried to see if it was true what she saw. When she walked behind you closely without you noticing she stuck her hand out and didn't feel anything. She looked closely and with a better eye of detail as you again walked through a streak of light and then she was able to see it. Instead of a white pair of wings, there were indeed wings but you had them closed to your body. She was able to see black feathers on the wings but when she again looked closer she gasped.

"Crazy isn't it Mia?" you turned around and looked at her with a tearstained face. Then when she looked you in the eyes you put your wings out only for her to see you only had one good wing. One angel wing and a demon wing. The diadem on your head was accompanied by a pair of horns. "Beautifull isn't it Mia?" there was a moment of silence as she was slowly stepping backward.

"B-but how? How Y/N?!"

"I will tell you how Mia. When I met that old woman she said something to me it was like a warning. did you know what she said? 'Don't try to recall memories, it will hurt and if you do you will be punished.' At first, I didn't think much of it. But every damn single time I lost someone in here I knew I had to do something, so I did." you slowly walked to her causing the light to touch your back. Your face became dark as you looked at her with glowing eyes. "I tried to remember and got cursed."

"But you are nothing now! And the higher-ups told us to report someone like that!" she tried to get up but you were quick enough to grab her clothing and stop her from doing so. "Let go of me you demon child!" you chuckled at her remark and let her go.

"A demon child?" you looked at her as the tears streamed your face. You didn't bother to wipe and then kept looking at her as you put your wing away as you let the demon wing stay along with the two horns on your head as the diadem was gone. "Is that what you think I am Mia? A demon child? I wish I was a demon child cause then I would have been with them at this moment instead of in this shitty place! They care for me even if I don't remember who they are. I will come back to them but you now leave me alone!"

She didn't move a muscle. Frozen in fear as then other people had gathered around and helped her up. Sighing to yourself you began to run to them as you then began to fly using both the angel and demon wings. The diadem on your head made a nice silhouette along with the horns. You were cursed in this place but also in your normal life. Cursed to live a life of failure but you will change that.

Then you sat down on the edge of a cliff as you looked in front of you. The night was coming and that would have been the moment where the demons would come out but yet you didn't care. You didn't hide the fact you were both. Everyone knew at this moment that you were both so when the night had appeared you stared into the night sky as you let the wings keep you warm. Tears poured still out of your eyes as you heard people.

You looked around you but you weren't able to see who the voice belonged to. There was no one even though your senses were tingling they couldn't pick up anything. Shaking the feeling of off you, you looked in front again to the night sky and saw how bright the stars actually were.

"Am I able to ever see them again grandma?" you spoke out loud and just like you thought there was the grandma, sitting next to you in the grass as she looked at your broken figure. Both of your sides continuously trying to fight and win over the body. Trying to comprehend with each other as at the same time they were fighting for control.

"I don't know little one but I am sure that they are missing you. They miss you like crazy from what I have heard and seen."

"Wait you have seen them? and heard them?" you sat up straight as you folded your legs underneath you. "You have to tell me what they were saying, I need to know who they are, grandma. I can't afford to lose them, they believe me and care for me! Please, please tell me!" your pleading came across as cries for help as you looked at her with anticipation.

"I can't tell you my dear but you just have to listen as you are relaxed. Then the voices will come to you and I am sorry for cursing you but this is what you are. A mixture of bad and good, trying to comprehend and fight at the same time. You will deal with it when you give it time." then she disappeared again as you were left wondering.

You decided to do what she said. So you layed back down on the grass as you curled up into a ball. The wings bringing warmth and comfort as you couldn't go back to the village of everyone. Looking at the stars you saw them coming together as they slowly created a circle. Inside the circle then became blurry as you tried to focus on it. Once focused on it you saw your own body. Laying on a bed with perfect blue sheets as Sarah layed on your stomach. Around your bed, you saw seven pairs of hands but you couldn't see anything else. Then just like that, you began to hear voices.

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