Chapter 39

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The whole day you had been spending trying to get it all move but you wouldn't accomplish more than you had already done that day. While trying to relax you heard the door creak open. Staying silent you heard the footsteps of someone entering.

A hand softly held your shoulder and carefully shakes you. The shaking continued as the person then sighed and say down on the bed after carefully moving you a bit to the side. A strand hair was moved from your face as it was carefully brought into a model.

"Y/N?" No response from you. "Ah, I guess you are asleep." It was Namjoon who was there with you. What was he going to say? Was something wrong with the others? Was there an attack going on? "I uh, I just wanted to explain something even tho you are asleep now and cant hear me, I just want you to know."

A silence fell inside the room as he was trying to find the right word to tell you. Murmuring while trying to find the right words made you think. Was it really so hard to tell you? Probably.

"Okay the thing I want to tell you actually isnt that super important but it will make an impact on your life. Okay... here goes nothing. When you were gone missing we did something. And that thing is, we selled your old apartment, took all of the stuff and kind of rebuild your whole apartment here. Okay you might freak out because of this but we did it for you. We knew you had trouble in your youth, with finance and a lot of other things but we wanted to give you a second chance, a family... I will tell you more when you are all good again." A kiss on your forehead and he left the room after tucking you in carefully.

When you knew he was gone you opened your eyes and for the first time actually looked around. They had moved you again. You were now back in the room where you were the day before yesterday and indeed everything was the same as your apartment. But one thing was missing at this moment. Sarah.

As Taehyung went to the vet he noticed how a lot of people where there at this moment. Shaking it off he went to the desk and asked for Sarah.

"The snake? She is all done! But we might have a little problem you see. Would you be so kind to follow me?" Nodding he followed the female to the back of the building where the animals could rest. When she went to the cage of Sarah he noticed something. There was another inside with her.

"From who is that other snake?"

"We dont know, but the snake has been here more then three weeks and after three weeks we need to put them down so we had a question for you." The female seemed nervous but he had a feeling what the question would be.

"If I can take the snake home?" The woman nodded and he smiled. "Ofcourse, she was getting lonely at home. What is his or her name?"

"Its a male and his name is Aiden, well that is what the last person said his name was. But both of the snakes can go very well with each other and we dont see any problems with, the male doesn't have any deceases or anything."

Laughing it off he smiled. "It is alright miss, I will take him home with me." The woman nodded and opened the cage.

"You can take your time, I will resume my work." With a bow she left and returned to her work.

"Hey Sarah, ready to go home?" Hissing she swiftly snaked to the end of the cage and right onto his left hand and into his hair where she tangled herself all up with ease. "You too ready?" He looked at Aiden who was a bit skeptical about it. After weighing out the option he snaked onto Taehyung too but stayed on his hand so he could look around.

Just now Taehyung was able to him in good lighting and noticed the snake was completely black. His scales changing color in the different angles of the light and it made him even more beautifull. So Taehyung gave him a soft stroke over his head and walked out.

Waving to the person at the desk who smiled gratefully at him, he made his way home. As soon as the air hit his face he made a small shiver just like both the snakes who were now retreating into his clothing. Searching up the warmth they needed.

Quickly going home he was soon there. Walking into the living room he saw all six of them working out or discussing some topic.

"Guys! I have great news!"

"What is it hyung?"

"Well Sarah is is completely fine look here she is." Carefully pulling sarah out of his clothing he showed her to the others with a  smile. "But there is more! I also found a friend for Sarah."

"A friend?"

"Yes! Look." And so he pulled out Aiden and showed him to all the others. "He was at the vet for three weeks and nobody ever came to pick him back up again. And if I didnt take him with me he would have been put down and I dont want that. Plus Sarah and Aiden are going very well with each other, so it is a win win situation here."

"Very well then, let's go show then to Y/N, I think Y/N will be surprised to see another snake next to Sarah."

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