Chapter 7

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Before you could reply to his question your boss walked into the room. His walking wasn't straight as he stumbled his way over to your table. In his right hand was a bottle of vodka and in his left hand was an empty strip of painkillers. He had clearly been drinking. You looked at him and was disgusted by his drunken state. You wanted to excuse yourself to the customers because of his state but he beat you by the second.

"Y/N! You have a huge problem at this exact moment." he stumbled further to the table you were standing at. Out of experience, you grabbed the plate that you had used to carry the drinks but now you held it in front of yourself in defense. The boys couldn't do anything except for watching at everything that could happen, they were just mere customers in here. They couldn't risk blowing up their cover.

"What is the problem then? I clearly didn't do any wrongdoing, sir." while speaking you made hand signals for the seven of them to get out of the shop. Nobody actually noticed except for Hoseok, but he didn't understand such signs. He kicked Jungkook from under the table and pointed to the signals you were making. While he was trying to figure out your hasty and sloppy signals your boss went crazy against you.

"Oh, so you didn't do anything wrong? So you didn't take like fifteen minutes to serve the customers behind you?" he noticed that you had one hand behind your back to make the signal so he dropped the empty strap and grabbed your upper arm while dragging you to the backroom. "I will tell you clearly what is done wrong, brat." All you could do was walk with him since you couldn't risk losing your job. In the meanwhile, the boys were confused, confused at what they should do. They waited a few seconds before they could hear a drawer open and close. Then they heard the snapping sound of scissors.

"Jungkook, do you finally know what the signals were that Y/N was making? You read hand signs the best so tell us this instant." his voice was stern but his face was concerned. You were one of the few that was able to get this close to them in this small amount of time. You got them to hurt you, treat you and worry about you in a small period of time without actually putting effort into it. "Come on Jungkook!"

"It is hard Hoseok! I understood the first part but the second part is what I can't read you, idiot." he looked around the faces but then he remembered why he couldn't figure it out. "I can't read or speak morse code."

"What did you say Jungkook? Morse? Who uses morse code these days?" he looked at Jungkook earning a nod from him. So it was indeed morse code that you signaled to them, but not everyone spoke morse code and that wasn't something obscure. It was globally known that morse wasn't used that much along with the other digital talk and Latin. "Wait, Namjoon you speak morse code!" Taehyung had made the statement and this time earned a nod from Namjoon. "Jungkook tell Namjoon all the dots and dashes that Y/N made. In hand signs, morse is used easy. The dots are a fist and the dashes a flat hand. Can you do that Jungkook?" the youngest nodded and tried to remember all of it.

"Dot, dash. Dash, dot, dash, dot. Dot, dot. Dash, dot, dot. That was all of the dots and dashed made by Y/N." Jungkook was looking at Namjoon with an anxious face. It was only four letters, for all that he could know you spelled dead. Once Namjoon finally understood what you had spelled you walked backward out of the backroom. All of their heads snapped towards you as they saw your boss slowly pursuing you with a bottle of something liquid. The liquid was yellow blueish from color. Namjoon quickly stood up and wanted to get to you but his shoe-tie had gotten lose causing him to trip and fall.

"Time to pay for your wrongdoing Y/N, a brat like you deserves it." then he proceeded to throw the liquid against your stomach. Within an instant, the place that had got hit began to dissolve on its own. Then Seokjin understood too what it was. He quickly got up from his seat and ran to you while jumping over Namjoon. Once he had reached he took Sarah out of the apron pocket and placed her onto the table before pulling you towards the backroom. In the backroom, he searched frantically for an emergency shower. He let go of you to run around and look for it.

Namjoon in the meanwhile had come back on his feet and walked towards the boss. While walking there he put his hand out for Sarah who slithered onto it. Then he stood still in front of the boss. He grabbed him by the throat and lets Sarah slither onto it again. Sarah then went around his neck with all of her body. Squeezing his neck causing his throat to close down and tighten.

"She will keep tightening until we all know what the state of Y/N is you hear me? And don't you even try to take Sarah of your neck. Then something much worse will happen." the owner nodded and bend down on his knees while begging only for Namjoon to kick him in the side. Then all over the building was a loud thud to hear and Seokjin cursing to himself. Quick footsteps were heard and shortly after that the sound of water running. It hit something that was underneath it.

"Namjoon can you finally tell us what he hit Y/N with? What was that freaking liquid in that stupid bottle!?" everyone was taken back by the sudden rise in his voice. Namjoon looked at him and spoke all four letters one by one.

"A-C-I-D." all five of the youngster gasped when they heard it and wanted to rush to you but Namjoon took a step to the side to block the way. "Seokjin can handle it, he is superior in chemicals unlike the five of you." sadly enough all five of them knew it was true. All of them had things where they were very good at. Seokjin his ability was chemicals and Jungkook his ability was signs. That is what made all of them a good team.

Once Seokjin had found the shower he heard the thud and rushed back to you. He picked you up and put you under the shower with clothing and all. That was the safest way. Then he began to look through the lockers only to find your normal clothing thorned and cut by the scissor snaps that they had heard earlier. He sighed and shook his head before grabbing some towels and walked back to you. While bending down he softly lifted your head and put one towel under your head for support and the other towels he placed on the ground next to you. When he wanted to get up again you softly gripped his arm with the strength you had. He looked at you confused since your eyes were closed.

"What is wrong?" he bends down next to you again and grabbed your hand. He held your hand in his while looking at your closed eyes hoping they would open and show your perfect eyes. Since you didn't speak he squeezed your hand slightly trying to get a response from you. When he again didn't get any response he got slightly panicked, but why should he care about you? You were just an employee working here while they all passed by, they were here when an unfortunate fight occurred. Then again, why did he feel like he should protect you? You were nothing compared to the seven of them, let alone of them alone. But yet here he was taking care or you. "Do you want me to stay?" he asked in uncertainty.

You nodded slightly but just enough for him to take notice of it. He nodded even tho you couldn't see it. Minutes passed by and he kept watching how the wound that the acid had created was doing. It wasn't too bad luckily, it could have been much worse. He stood up slightly and turned off the emergency shower. Once he turned it off it alarmed all of the other boys so they all quickly in a circle around your body. They looked at you and the wound it had caused.

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