Chapter 2

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You finally closed the cabinet again. You took one last glance at the mirror before tightening your ponytail and walked out of the bathroom, turning off the light and closing the door behind you. You walked back into your bedroom and began to pack your bag for school putting in the usual things; books; pencil case and a pair of scissors. You checked the weather forecast and saw that it would be warm all day so you didn't pack any dry clothing. Then you grabbed a plastic bag for your working clothes. You hated the clothing you needed to wear there. Pants with a white blouse and an apron. Lucky for you, you would be able to wear your army boots and the gloves that reached up to your elbow so in that way you would be able to cover up the cuts and wounds you made, but also the bruises that were made by the bullies.

You walked to the door of your apartment and looked around to the gloomy place you call your home. The curtains were only partly opened so nobody could look inside while you were crying. The strong sunlight from outside tried to make its way into your living area, only to be one sad beam that watched over everything that would happen in your apartment. It would give them the power to grow to the plants you had in your living room, they were mostly different kinds of cacti but that didn't make any difference to you. As long as they would make oxygen for you while taking in all the carbon dioxide you would be glad about it. On the far left was a fish aquarium, they all made a small and happy family and you always liked to look at it when you felt sad. You would spend your days in front of that aquarium while crying. As you began to look around you noticed that on the right your stack of insects was running low.

"I need to go to the store today I see," you sigh in annoyance "better get food for myself too." While looking around more in your apartment you finally saw what you had been searching for, from the ceiling you had wooden beams hanging around. On those wooden beams is your most prized possession; Sarah. She was your albino snake. She had finally noticed you so she snaked her way towards you. You reached your hand up for her to snake onto. So that is what she did but once she got onto your hand it triggered another flashback. She had always been there with you. You got her one day, it was a rainy day.

You walked and walked, not knowing where to actually go. So you did what every not normal human being would do, walk more but eventually, you got into a sprint to nowhere. You ran and ran keep on going 'till you couldn't anymore. You ended up tripping in the woods, deep in the dark woods without noticing your legs had carried you there. The tears streamed down your face as the rain mixed itself with the tears. Nobody would have known that you were crying if you had been in the city. You came back to your feet and walked yourself even further into the woods. Once you had walked more than an hour you finally saw something nice where you could sit on top of. So that is what you actually did, once you wanted to sit on top of it you heard a small hissing sound. You frowned at the sound and looked at the rock, spotting a white curled up ball. You smiled softly and reached your arm and hand out for it. Within second the snake had wrapped itself around your arm not wanting to let go. It looked so helpless, you couldn't leave it behind, your heart didn't let you so you took it back home with you. While walking the rain slowly stopped so you stopped walking back home to feel the sun on your skin.

You opened your eyes only to find yourself in your living room once again. You looked at Sarah and she looked back at you with her glossy eyes. She stuck her tongue out and softly touched your nose while hissing softly like she was talking to you sadly enough you didn't speak snake. You still held her on your hand as you walked to the kitchen counter, only to grab the Polaroid camera that you had laying around. You stretched your arm so in that way there would be enough space between Sarah and the camera. You focused the camera and aimed it at Sarah then snap a polaroid came out. You put the camera away and grabbed the polaroid to see how it came out. It was perfect. Sarah then booped your nose with her tongue and went back on the wooden beams. While looking at her you put the polaroid in your pocket for later today if you need to see her. Your small point of light in this world.

"We need to get a new friend for you, Sarah, then you won't be that lonely all the time." then you put the backpack over your shoulder again while you held the plastic bag in your hand. The keys were close by so you grabbed them and walked out of the apartment. Grabbing your skateboard beforehand and then closing and locking the door after you. While walking out of the apartment complex you grabbed your headphone from your bag and put the court in your phone, putting on the music and storing your phone away in your way too big sweater. Putting the headphones on your head the music began to blast through your head and mind, clearing it from the bad thoughts. Once you were outside, you put the skateboard down, stepped on it while putting your hands in your pocket and skated away. To your day full of surprises, bullies, and work.

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