Chapter 44

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The following morning you were the first one to wake up after the movie night. Rubbing your eyes and yawning softly, you looked around and noticed that everyone was sleeping in the most weirdest posistions. Giggles left your mouth as you tried to walk to the kitchen, but since walking didnt work that well you resorted to just crawling there. It went pretty well and you just smiled to yourself. Pulling a chair infront of the stove, putting it on and grabbing some eggs from the fridge so you could make some breakfast for everyone.

While humming a song you heard the door creak open softly so looking at it didnt help you with your confusion. The door gap wasnt big enough for a human to fit trough it, so you listenend and kept quiet. That helped you cause now you could here the soft hissing of Sarah and Aiden as they slittherd their way towards you. Once they were close neough to the chair they carefully slipped onto it and moved their way up along your legs.

"Goodmorning guys." the words left as a whisper so that only the snakes could here it and maybe that would have been the best. After they softly licked your face you continued with the breakfast as they settled on your wrist and in your hair. The smell of breakfast spread trough the apartment and all of the other boys woke up and scrambled themselves to the kitchen for your breakfast. You looked back and saw how the guys were pushing and pulling each other to get there first. Laughing at it you saw how Jungkook ended up being the first one.

"Goodmorning Y/N! Are you making breakfast??" he sat down on the chair closest to you while looking at you.

"No... the snakes made it." you said jokingly only for Jungkook to gasp in amazement.

"Guys! The snakes made breakfast! Who knew that snaked could be so cool!" you coughed slightly at him to get his attention as you then raised your brow. it was silent for a small bit before he replied. "Well I guess you knew." shaking your head you mentioned him to come to you with his plate so you could devide it all.

After everyone got their food Namjoon lifted you up and Jimin put your chair at the table so that all of you could eat together. Smiling at both of them you all began to eat in silence. While eating you were contemplating if you should tell them about your progess of getting your legs to work but after thinking about it for a long time you decided that you should just wait and let it be a surprise for them.

When everyone was done eating they began deviding all the chores of the day. Jungkook was doing the laundry, Jimin was cleaning all the beds, Seokjin was doing all of the dishes, both Yoongi and Taehyung went cleaning the whole house wich would take a lot of work, Namjoon decided that he was going to do some work on his laptop and that only left you and Hoseok, but there werent any chores left to do.

"Y/N? Want to play some videogames? Since there arent any chores left to do." thinking about it, you never got to play a video game so you simply agreed, carefully he picked you up and he went to the game room that they had in their room. Placing you down on the sofa there he annouced he was going to get something to drink for you two. Leaving the room it left you there alone to look around and pick a game.

Getting of off the sofa and laying on your stomach infront of the cabinet with games you began to look trough them all and that were many. There were a lot of car games but you didnt want to play ay of those, but in the back of the cabinet you found one that all kinds of dust to it so you decided to pick that one.

"Did you found a game you wanted to play?" nodding you gave him the game and he looked weirdly at it. "I didnt know we had this one. Outcast..." he inspected the game case because he really didn't know they had that game in their house. "Do you really want to play this? On the back it states 'for those who seek a reality where their worst horrors will come true trouh their game console.' it sounds scary." he looked at you and gave you the game so you could read it for yourself. But you frowned.

"It doesn't say any of that Hoseok."

"What?" he grabbed the game back and read trough it again and pointed it out to you. "Look it says that here." you read it again but shake your head.

"No, no, it says something way different. It says 'if you want to know how your reality looks like in a horror esthetic who is letting you?'" both of you looked at each other and then to the game at the same time before nodding to each other. Hoseok grabbed the game and put you on his back as he walked to the fire pit in their garden.

Putting the game in the fire pit he put a lot of gasoline on it and some wooden logs before grabbing the mathches that were laying to the side. Lighting one he threw it into the pit and it immedaitly caused a huge flame to burst into the sky. He stumbled back a bit because of the heat but he was sure to hold you tightly.

"If it doesn't burn now then I have no idea of how to get rid of it."

"It will burn Hoseok and if it doesnt we will burry it somewhere deep in this garden so that nobody will find it and even try to play it okay?" he nodded to you and rested his head back a bit as in return you softly laid your head on his shoulder and enjoying the warmth without realizing that all of the other boys were running outside.

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