Chapter 25

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It took you weeks on end trying to find the courage you would need to go to them. Eventually, after talking to yourself all day and night on Saturday, you were able to do it. So now on Monday, you packed your stuff for school, said goodbye to Sarah and skated away. Without your notice, this was the day the enemies of the boys had been planning for. It was their perfect day.

After arriving at school, you went to the first classes and waited anxiously till the break you had. When the bell rang you gathered your stuff and walked out of the classroom. When walking to the canteen you already saw them sitting on their usual spot but... the bullies were there too. Shaking your head you knew had to take off your cowardness and try to reclaim your friends even if it would fail, you did try your best. Walking up to them, the bullies had noticed you first and looked at you disgusting so when you stopped at their table they went crazy.

"What are you doing here Y/N?! Don't you see that they don't want someone like you in their lives?" you looked at him and laughed slightly.

"Oh come on Vernon, we both know that Yeri is only dating you for the money." they both let out a gasp as Yeri looked away embarrassed. Not thinking you would ever say that. "Nonetheless I did not come here for you six, I came for the seven of them." you looked at them and they all had a wide look on their faces.

"But why? We don't want you." he didn't sound sincere. With Hoseok you knew when he was lying and it was easy to figure out he was lying this time too. All the others looked at you as they softly kick each other from under the table knowing they should do something about it. They didn't want you to get hurt.

"Look, I know that you guys heard stories about me but they aren't true. I am not what you think I am. I am not-" before you could finish the sentence Taehyung finished it for you.

"An emo? a cutter? Golddigger? You aren't all of that?" he stood up and stood in front of you. His eyes were dark and his personality shifted. "Y/N, you just want attention, you hurt yourself so in that case someone notices you and be friends with you. Even Becky said she saw cuts on your wrist under that stupid glove of yours!" with that he ripped off both the gloves and you hid your hands against your chest. "See? Just an egoistic cutter!"

Everyone was shocked by the things he said, even he himself was shocked by it. When he looked at you he saw the tears in your eyes as you backed away slowly from him. It was for the first time in your life you were scared of a bully. His heart shattered when he saw it in your eyes, the sacredness, the fear. Then when you turned around you began running but he ran after you while cursing to himself. The other boys got up too and ran with him.

You firstly ran to your locker getting out the things you had left there and it was only an old bag, you didn't have time to look into it since you heard their footsteps and their voices yelling your name. You looked at it and saw them standing at the end of the hall while looking at you. Shakingly you put it in your bag as you noticed that they had begun walking towards you. After you were done you slammed it shut and began running again. All of them cursed and ran after you. Some taking different routes.

You ran and ran, stairs after stairs, twist after twist after twist. It never seemed to stop, the route you seemed to take only grew larger as more and more hallway got blocked out by people you did know. Their faces were seen able and it was always one of those boys, their voices were louder and clearer each time they yelled your name. You could hear everything that they were saying without you even wanting it. They said things you didn't want to know, things you didn't want to hear but they never said that. They yelled sorry but you only heard the mean things they said.

When all of your ways out were blocked you ran into the bathroom and heard how other people scolded them away. Thinking of a way to escape you noticed the weight on your shoulders and took off the bag. Once you looked in it you noticed that it was clothing so you changed yourself in the bathroom and then stood in front of the mirror. Judging yourself you noticed how your hair was way too obvious so you took the scissors you had in your bag and held it. Firstly you let your hair loss and it reached down beautifully. Then you began to cut it and it took a little while but was worth it. Once you were done you were unrecognizable. Soon you also changed clothing that you had found in the bag and it fitted like a pearl.

Waiting for a while longer you heard the school bell rang, it was the lunch break for everyone. Smiling slightly to yourself you waited till the halls were filled with students and then got out of the bathroom stall you had been in the whole time. While waiting in front of the mirror again you noticed how the bathroom halls were chaotic knowing this was your time you walked out and acted normally. You hid the skateboard on your side knowing they wouldn't notice but using it would cause them to notice so you walked slowly. Once you were on the last pair of stairs you looked up and came eye to eye with Yoongi.

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