Chapter 20

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"Aww does my little girl want to go with me?" you smiled softly to yourself at her behavior and walked to her as you adjusted your hoodie for her. "Hop on then." just like that, you were on your way to school with Sarah in your hoodie like always but this time there was a cup of instant noodles on the counter, never to be touched again. As you were skating to school, you softly held onto the tram and busses again. You gave nice looks and smiles at the people who looked angry so their day would be better. Just like that you indeed saw their faces light up as they were smiling back.

Arriving at school was always one of the hardest things to do. So you just skated into the school and right past by your locker as you saw that it was broken beyond repair. At least your classes were doable today. You had art class almost all day long and it made you somehow relaxed and later you would have English and biology, not too bad. When you arrived at the art class you saw that the teacher was already there speaking with some other students. Seven students to be exact. You quickly walk past them and to your usual seat but then six other students walked in and you realized that this was the worst moment to be there for you. To make it worse the teacher walked away.

"Look what have we here, seven boys who already know how to deal with the brat here in school. I must say it is impressive. Breaking headphones, hurting the brat even breaking into the hell hole the brat lives. Did you find that stupid snake?" just then you realize that they didn't know you were there. Trying to stay as quiet as possible you continued to eavesdrop their conversation.

"Listen Yeri, we aren't your slaves you hear me? We only do this to keep Y/N safe, nothing else."

"Oh, I know Jimin right? But if you want to keep the brat safe you better stay with us and be mean."

"It is Jungkook you slut. But fine only because we care about Y/N."

"Of course you do." then Sarah made a hissing noise-causing all of them to look at you. "Look what we have here. Did the brat come to school? What a miracle." All of them walked closer to you and you let yourself be cornered in the room. Just like that the rain of fists and feet hurt you. Everywhere they hit you were able to feel new bruises to come. Then Sarah popped her head out and made a loud hissing sound in anger.

"What a cutie!" Vernon softly tried to pat Sarah but when he came too close for Sarah her taste she snapped out and bite him. The tooth dug deep into his hand and created a red and swollen place. Then you realized that you never had let her tooth be removed so you couldn't help but laugh it out.

"Now get the hell away from me and my snake." your laughing stopped as suddenly as it had begun. Your eyes had shot fire out of anger. All six of them went away to the nursery as the leftover seven boys were looking at you. "And what do you seven want? No, wait. Don't say a thing. I don't want to know. But one thing that I want to tell you guys is that I hate all of you. You are all nothing but traitors! Acting like you are my friend in the cafe and then the only thing you do since you are here is hurt me and break into my apartment. So like I said stay away from me."

All of them nodded and went to their seats as you went back to your without groaning since you were already used to the new bruises that had appeared on your body. Softly taking Sarah into your hands you began to pet her and calm her down as you knew that this was hard for her. Then the principal walked into the room with Vernon behind him.

"Y/N? Why do you have your snake with you?" he looked at you with stern and disappointed eyes. You knew that you shouldn't lie to him at this exact moment. It left you with no other option than, to tell the truth.

"There were robbers in my apartment last night and I am afraid that they will come back for Sarah since she is an albino snake." you softly put your hand in your hoodie and Sarah slithered onto it. You then put your hand forward and show the principal what you mean. "Her skin is worth a lot and I don't want to lose her so my only option was to take her to school with me. In that way, I can keep a look at her." the principal made a look at you. From up and down, then he looked at Vernon and the group that had brought him to the nursery and his office.

"I see Y/N," he now knew the situation he had been longing to know about for so long now "just make sure she doesn't bite anyone else. Got that?"

"Got it! Thank you so much principal sir!" you made a bow to him and Sarah let out a soft hissing sound. But other people in the room were quite fond of the situation.

"Sir! You won't do anything about it? Vernon is hurt and can die from the venom!"

"Oh miss Jennie, you know that that isn't true. Nurse Hannah did what she did and that is taken out all the venom so nothing can happen."

"And besides that Jennie, the snake that Y/N had is a species which their venom isn't deadly. There actually isn't any venom, just tooth." he couldn't help but smile to himself. He got a soft pat on his shoulder as one of his hyungs said that he did a good job.

"Well there you go Jennie, Taehyung over there is very fond of animals and knows it very well from what I have seen on his resume. Now I want the rest of the day quietness. I don't want to see any of you in my office, in the nursery and I don't want any other students or teachers complaining about the fourteen of you. Well, fifteen if you count Sarah but you know what I mean." with that the principal left the room and saw the other students waiting on the hall before they went it.

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