Chapter 10

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In the studio of Yoongi things were struggling, really struggling. The light in your apartment was too dim and the light that did shine trough was way too bright. He let the photo fall onto his desk as he hung his head back over the edge of his chair. In that position, he looked at the photo again raising his eyebrow. He grabbed the picture and squinted his eyes. Then he saw everything he needed to know the location of your apartment. He went to his phone and used the gallery to find out where it was. He once made a photo of your apartment building for business. When he scanned through all of the windows he saw one apartment that matched the photo, windows and curtains closed for the most part and then a lot of cacti around the place. In excitement, he ran out of his room to the living room while screaming for everyone to gather around.

"Guys!! I found out where this picture is taken! So that means I know where Y/N is living!" within second everyone had run into the living room and sat around him. Waiting for him to spill the good news to them, they needed to know where you live in order to protect you. "Okay so the good news is that I know where Y/N lives, but the bad news is that we have business at that apartment complex." he looked at everyone one by one seeing all of them nodding to continue. "Okay so Y/N lives in the sunflower apartment building, floor 8, room 819. And we have the business in the same hotel, same floor but in the room rights across of 819, we have the business in room 820. And yes I am talking about the business from two weeks ago."

"But how is that even possible? This can't be a coincidence, right? There must be some connections we can draw between them." Taehyung didn't like the sound of anything Yoongi had said. There must have been a mistake right? but there wasn't any mistake, Yoongi was right. The business they had in that hotel is about you. They had been hired for you.

"I am sorry Taehyung, but we can't proceed with your plan. If we do that we only cause harm in the life of Y/N. We can't risk anything Taehyung, it is over." he threw the picture as he wanted to walk away but then Jimin began to speak against all of the expectations.

"We won't abandon Taehyung his plan, we will proceed it and blow of the business. We cant cause harm to Y/N, not more then faith already has done. What we will do is simple we go to the same school, follow the same classes, be friends and family to Y/N and make sure faith gets onto the right path." while playing games he had gotten the feeling too. The feeling of protection, the feeling to make you feel wanted and loved. That you were happy and smiling all day long, he didn't want to see any tears stream down your face. You were already too precious for that and you would only grow more precious when time went by but he didn't know that yet.

"Ya Jimin! Do you all of a sudden have those weird feelings too??" Jimin nods and can't help to smile slightly. "Why am I the only one who did not get those feelings??" Jungkook grew annoyed with the fact that all of his members did get those feelings, but not him. Where you that special? So special that he couldn't figure out the feeling they talked about? Or was he too simple to understand those feelings? or too young perhaps. He didn't understand so in annoyance he got up and walked to his room, not wanting to actually talk to anyone.

Once he arrived there he sat on his bed with his hands in his hair. "Why can't I understand you Y/N?" the question that he spoke out loud was actually easy to answer, but for him, it looked oh so far away. Everyone already knew the feeling that they had to protect you, take care of you, make you feel loved and safe. But why not Jungkook? Because he didn't have anything yet to worry about with you. His abilities were signs not anything of use to you yet. For all of the other boys, they had to use their abilities to help you. Except for Taehyung, his ability had no use yet but still, he was able to get the feeling too.

After minutes and maybe hours, he layed down on his bed and thought of everything that had happened. It all began to repeat in his head, unsure if it was in the right order of time but that didn't care. The only thing that cared right now was that he had picked up all the important pieces of what had happened. Once he had all of the pieces he finally understood the feeling all of them were talking about. The same feeling all of them had felt this day. Now he understood and he couldn't wait to start with that tomorrow.

All of them were not speaking about the same feeling. The feeling to protect, to care, to make sure you were alright. They wanted you to be okay. Yoongi wanted you to let go of the glove, Taehyung wanted you to stay happy, Seokjin wanted you independent under his seeing, Namjoon wants you smart and clever, Jimin wanted you to smile until eternity would stop, Hoseok wanted you alive without hurting while still taking care of Sarah. And Jungkook? He just wanted you alright, alright in a place where he could over you, like a brother you never had.

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