Chapter 46

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Silence was the only thing in the room that everyone knew that was going on. All your emotions were over the place. It was like everything came crashing down on you at once. The tears were blocking your vision but that didn't mean that you would be lowering het knife anytime soon. All seven of them were looking at you with concern but also with a hint of scaredness. What if you would leave them at this moment because you found their secret?

You didnt want to leave them but you also needed some time for yourself becaus you are still living with a maffia gang right now and that didnt help the situation one small bit. Roughly wiping your tears away, sniffeling and taking a deep breath you looked at all of them. They looked back but soon to the ground in defeat, knowing that they shouldnt have lied to you. All they wanted was to give you a family and they were your family. They care so much about you and you also care about them.

"I knew something was going on with you guys but I need some time to think. No I wont be leaving you all but it is just all happend so sudden and I dont know what to think of it yet okay?" lowering the knife and putting it away was enough for all of the guys to run upto you and give you a grouphug.

"We are so sorry Y/N... we should have been honest with you but instead we lied to protect you. It wouldnt take long for you to find out but please we did it all for you."

"I know that Yoongi, but I need some time alone and I dont know how long that will be but please dont come and try to talk to me, I will just lock you all out eventaully. Understand?"

"Understood." they all spoke in harmony and watched how you pulled yourself out of het hug and to the ground, while you somehow pulled yourself forward to your room. Eventually all that the biys did was watch you leave towards your room. But Hoseok broke down to the floor in tears crying.

"It is all my fault. I gave Y/N my Phone to call all of you over for dinner but I-I forgot that all the other contacts were still in there." sobbing and crying he tried to explain that it was all his fault. Soon enough Seokjin bent down and pulled him into a hug to calm him down. Softly rubbing his back and stroking his hair. "I'm sorry...."

"Shhh, it isnt your fault Hoseok, it is bette for Y/N to find out about it now then later cause maybe then it could have been too late and we could have lost a family member. So dont cry Hoseok, it was supposed to happen in this way." he nodded slowly and began wiping his tears.

"The food is done if you want to have any, just heat it up again cause it will be cold by now i think." the others nodded and looked as he walked away to the garden.

"This was not how it was supposed to go."

"But it happend and now Y/N knows the truth." they all nodded at the statement Yoongi made. Getting the food heated up they began to eat in silence wondering about how they can make it easier for you to handle it.

As time went on you didnt come oout of your room at all and Hoseok was trying to find a way to help you with, but he too couldnt come up with anything that he could help with at this point. Walking back inside he saw all of the guys rexing infront of the tv and he looked at them and after a littl while he decided to sit with them.

You in the meantime are practesing your walking in your room along all of the furniture in your room. Sarah and Aiden were watching you walk and were there to make sure you wouldnt get hurt in any way. Falling and getting up back again was the one thing that you were doing right now, Resting was no option for you right now.

After long hours of practise you were finnaly able to walk from your bed ot your desk and then come crashing down to the ground. Groaning and softly cursing to yourself you got back up again and made your way to the bathroom, turning the water on for the bath and making sure that it was hot enough. Getting your underwear and night clothing ready for when you were done.

You stayed there for hours thinking about it all. Your life and how it went up to this point. The things you found out about the boys and all the other things. Sighing you laid furhter down in the water and rested your head on the edge, looking at Sarah and Aiden you smiled at them adn they hissed softly back. You made so much progess just in these few hours of working hard, maybe if you did it a little more you will be better in the next morning.

So you did just that, you continued and managed to walk full circles in your room. And to think that they said that you would never be able to walk again. Yet here you were walking again, smiling again. That was a thing that you couldnt do for so long and now you were happy that you finnaly could do it. Maybe, just maybe you achieved something happiness in your life again.

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