Chapter 6

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"Sorry again for Taehyung like Hoseok said he loves snakes. Now I am talking I realize we forgot to introduce ourselves. Well, my name is Seokjin I am de oldest and these are Namjoon, Jimin, Yoongi, Hoseok, Jungkook and then Taehyung." with every name he spoke he pointed to one of the males. Then he grabbed the notebook and pen that you had used to stab Taehyung with and wrote down their order. Then the five of them walked away to the table Taehyung was sitting while Hoseok stayed behind to bandage your wrist.

While he was doing so you noticed that every once in a while he went from top to bottom with his index finger. Being a bit weirded out by it you tugged his sleeve signaling him to hurry up even tho there weren't any other customers in the coffee shop. Once he noticed the tug on his sleeve he went a bit faster with bandaging and being done quickly afterward he gave you back your glove and smiled. Grabbing and putting it on you flashed a smile to him and quickly went to work for as fast as you could. Hoseok in the meanwhile went back to the table while glancing at you seeing you struggle with being fast because you only had one hand that you could actually use. He sighs and looks at Taehyung.

"Did you really need to do that? Y/N had it already hard enough without you hurting the wrist because of that snake. If you want a snake then buy one or let someone steal them, but don't take the one of Y/N." when he said that the younger one knew he was wrong, but he really liked the snake. His obsession with snakes had grown over to the time when he saw how beautiful they actually could be.

"I know but what do you mean with that? Y/N only had an argument with the boss of this place so far we know. Or must you must have gained special powers to know everything about a person all of a sudden but that is not the case." He thinks a bit while rubbing his temple. "Or did Y/N trust you in everything that happens? Looks a bit impossible to me." the others ones broke in a burst of soft laughter joined by Hoseok himself too.

"No that is not it Taehyung. It is from the signs that Y/N is giving."

"Signs?" the youngest asked. Jungkook raised an eyebrow at the older one wanting him to explain what signs he as talking about. Jungkook was always good with signs, but not the kind of signs Hoseok was talking about. Jungkook was good in hand signs but the signs Hoseok was talking about came from your body and the actions that you made. Those were signs Jungkook couldn't understand because they were very complicated and always gave mixed signals.

"Yes, Jungkook signs." the younger one wanted to protest at it because he wasn't able to see those signs. "Jungkook the signs I am talking about aren't hand signs as you know them. These are signs that represent feelings, they are shown through actions and body language." Then Namjoon and Jimin wanted to protest too. They were too able to read the signs Hoseok was talking about, but he interrupted them quickly enough. "These signs were obscure, hidden away, not ever wanting to be shown."

"Hoseok please come to the point with this, we can't talk about this forever and risk the chance that Y/N comes back while you talk about it okay? So what is it that Y/N is struggling with according to you?" the oldest spoke with a stern voice, wanting him to hurry since you could back before they know it. Hoseok nodded and quickly began speaking again knowing that what he said was true.

"The signs I am talking about are really bad. Did you see Y/N's blue eye and wounded lip?" all six of them nodded since those signs were pretty obvious. "Bullies, the eye bag under the good eye? along with the redness? That is from crying every single night." he named a lot more of the signs he had noticed. The quietness, the scaredness, not being able to trust others, putting all of the love that you had in Sarah, being scared to ever love someone. Your red cheek was also a sign of bullies but then he came to the sign that scared him the most. "The gloves are also a sign, the sign of-" before he could finish you had walked up to the table.

"Here is your order, the black coffee?" Namjoon raised his hand and you gave it to him. "The chocolate milk with whipped cream?" nobody raised his hand causing you to frown but then Seokjin pointed to Jungkook and you put it down in front of him. You grabbed the blueberry muffin only to get it snatched out of your hand by Yoongi, you flinched a small bit but continued as nothing happened, but Hoseok had noticed and so did all the others. "Jasmine tea with two brown sugar cubes?" Seokjin made a nod and you gave it to him. "Then I have a normal green tea and a coffee with milk?" now Hoseok raised his hand for the tea and Taehyung for the coffee. You placed the tea in front of Hoseok earning a smile from him. You hesitantly put the coffee in front of Taehyung, eventually did it and pull your hand away again. "Is there anything else I can give to you?" you looked around the seven faces and tried to remember them, you had a feeling that would be necessary.

"No, we don't need anything else but I do think that someone wants to apologize to you." Namjoon looked at Taehyung, but he didn't budge. "Taehyung" Namjoon his eyebrows frowned as he glared angrily at him. They had talked about this before you or Hoseok had come to their table. "Now please cause I am sure that Y/N's shift will end soon." then he looked at you. "Right Y/N?"

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