Chapter 3

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"I don't even know what I would say to her if I ran in to her again." He muttered to himself as he walked through the woods. He had spent all of yesterday thinking about Elsa. He wanted to get to know her, to find out if she was like him. She was the only person he could talk to, literally, the only person who had been able to see him in many years.

He was walking, not really looking anywhere in particular when a bright glare met his eyes. "Argh!" he groaned as he used his forearm to shield the sunlight. When he took down his hand he squinted in to the direction the light had been coming from and his jaw dropped. Just in the distance was an ice castle. "Elsa." He whispered.

In a few minutes he had made his way to its staircase. Climbing it with quickness he made his way to the top. He stood there for a moment, a bit in awe, at the ornate doors that were set before him. What if she didn't want to see him? Perhaps him coming here would upset her. Before his mind could talk him out of it he made a fist and knocked on the ice doors.

A loud echo could be heard inside. He stood for a minute, maybe two, before he knocked again. She had to be home right, where else would she go? His heart sank a little as she turned to leave, he heard the door behind him begin to open.

She had been putting some final touches on the castle when she heard something that made her heart stop; a knock. Who could it be? No one knew she was here, did they? Although she wasn't technically hiding in an enormous castle made of ice. She kicked herself for making the castle so grand.

She stood there, not moving, not answering, perhaps it was only the wind? Again she heard the thud of a knock on the door. Definitely not the wind. She looked down the staircase and starred at the door; half expecting someone to kick it down. A part of her thought it was the castle guard coming to arrest her and burn her has a witch.

She slowly began to descend the staircase as another knock rang out. Who ever it was apparently was not going away. She quickened her pace as a thought suddenly struck her. Perhaps it was Anna! As she reached the door she pulled it open, almost a little eagerly, and her eyes fell upon a headful of snow-white hair.

The man on her staircase turned around quickly as he heard the door and his eyes widened at the side of her. "Elsa..." he breathed as he continued to stare at her. "Hello Jack." She said nodding to him. He remained silent for a moment, his mouth a little agape. "Can I help you?" she prompted him and he was suddenly snapped back to reality.

"Sorry, you, you look beautiful." He said still a little dumbfounded. There it was again, that warmth in her cheeks. She tucked a stray strand of corn silk hair behind her ear and a smile slipped across her lips. "Thank you." She said softly. They both stood there for a moment in silence before she continued. "Did you have a reason for stopping by?" she asked and this seemed to awaken him from his daze.

"I, well, I didn't know, well I thought, I just saw this place - did you make all this?" he stammered as he looked around at the castle. She only nodded "It's my sanctuary." She said, although it felt more like a prison. "What do you have to be afraid of?" he asked her, his face showing signs of worry. She looked at him, and then passed him towards Arendelle, he turned to follow her line of sight.

Hitching a thumb over his shoulder he said, "That place, I thought that was your home?" he asked a little confused. She only shook her head and said, "Not anymore. They are afraid of me." Her eyes cast down as a wave of sadness washed over her. "Well, that's ridiculous, I don't think you'd hurt anyone." He said trying to cheer her up. "Not on purpose at least." Elsa mumbled under her breath.

"Listen, Jack, if that's all I really should get back - " she started but he interjected. "Back to what? Aren't you here alone?" he said peering behind her as if checking. He was right, she had nothing to do, but she was afraid that if he got to close she would hurt him. "Elsa, I'm not afraid of you. I just want to get to know you." He said sincerely, as his pale blue eyes met hers.

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