Chapter 6

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She could hardly remember a time she felt this sad. She'd pushed her own sister away, again. She's mad Jack leave; and what was worse, she had no idea how to stop this snow. Everyone in Arendelle would surely freeze. This was never what she had wanted. All she wanted was to be alone, to protect everyone, especially Anna, from her curse. Now she had made this curse their punishment at well. She sank down in to her ice throne and wept cold tears.

He had no idea where to go when he left the ice palace. It was like he had no life before Elsa. He spent a better part of the day cruising the skies, before he found himself heading towards Arendelle; he needed to see this for himself. As he approached it, closer than they had the first time, his eyes were wide in amazement. Anna had not been lying, Arendelle was completely frozen over. Houses, the fjord, everything was stuck in ice.

A cold winter wind howled between the houses and trees, blowing so fiercely it nearly knocked him out of the sky. He had never seen a snow storm as bad as this in all his life. He had no idea how Elsa would be able to fix this, but he knew if she could create it that she could break it as well, she just needed help. He came in closer to the town, there were hardly any people on the streets, as the weather was too treacherous.

The only people he could spot were two large men stacking wood outside a home, so he flew down near them. "I hope Prince Hans and the guard find Queen Elsa and Princess Anna." said one of the men. His mustache fluttered in the wind as he talked and despite the seriousness of the situation, Jack found it hard not to laugh. "Oh, they'll find them all right. I just hope Queen Elsa hasn't hurt poor Princess Anna. I never would have expected her to be an evil sorceress." said the larger man shaking his head sadly.

"She's not evil!" Jack found himself saying, even though he knew they couldn't hear him. He would only feel like an icy wind to them, and they would pull their collars tighter around their necks. "Perhaps if they kill Queen Elsa, the winter will stop." the smaller one said just above a whisper. The larger one nodded and whispered back, "I bet that's what they'll do." as he slammed another chunk of wood down.

Jack's was wild with fear. There was a guard on their way to kill Elsa? He had to get back to her at once. This might have been her fault, but he know she didn't mean to. She couldn't control her power, but he would help her, he had too. He began running down the ice covered streets and with one large bound he took off in to the sky. Soaring high above the treetops he set his course for Elsa's castle.

The flight felt like it took hours. He was flying as fast as the wind would carry him, but it didn't feel fast enough. When he could see the castle his heart beat faster, he was almost there. Landing on the balcony he jumped down quickly and ran inside. "Elsa!" he yelled, but he was stopped short at what he saw. There were icy blasts everywhere. Her throne overturned. The chandelier that once hung above them was now shattered in to a million shards on the floor. "Elsa!" he cried again, but only his voice echoed.

He could see arrows, several of them stuck in ice all around; the guard had gotten to her first. He looked all around for her, but she was nowhere to be seen. They must have taken her with them. He thought as he headed back towards the balcony. He was sure they were heading back to Arendelle, and he would be going back as well.

He took off in to the clear sky, his sights set back on the direction he had come. He would find Elsa no matter what it took. He flew lower this time, keeping his eyes on the ground, hoping to spot the guard. For some time he saw nothing, and he was beginning to think they were much farther ahead of him, when suddenly something caught his attention. What that a reindeer?

As he got in closer he could see, yes it was a reindeer! Atop that reindeer sat the blonde haired man from the castle, Princess Anna, and the animated snowman. He soared in closer to them, they were riding at such a great speed he struggled to keep up. As he looked at Princess Anna he could see something was wrong. She was huddled up against the man, a large chunk of her hair was snow-white.

He knew they couldn't hear him but it was worth a shot. "Princess Anna, please! Your sister is in danger!" he yelled. He was trying to focus on flying as well, his eyes darting back and forth from Anna to the path. "Anna please!" he cried louder. The Reindeer seemed to hear him, his ears perked began to run faster as if spooked.

With all his might he yelled one last time, "Anna, Elsa needs you!" Her eyes opened wide. She had heard him. He was about to smile when he looked forward and his mouth twisted in to a panicked scream as he saw a large tree just in front of him. Before he could spin out-of-the-way he struck it hard. Everything went black as his limp body tumbled back several feet, and came to rest in the cold snow.

👋☺️ hi! Thanks For 51 views! That amazing for me because I never thing that the story is having a lot of view! Thanks! Merry Christmas!

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